Hello friends! So many changes in my life. After a lifetime of living in California, and over thirty years in the Bay area of Northern, Ca., my husband and I moved to Arizona. Yes, we know it gets hot in the summer…yes we are aware it’s the desert, yes we know we left a lifetime of connections behind… and yes we prayed about it for months before making the decision.
We moved in on Friday the 13th of December. Yeah, you heard that right, Friday the 13th! And, besides buying a house we were excited about, everything else was truly like what you’d expect for Friday the 13th….so many stories and so much hard….oh man, can hardly believe all we went through to get here. But we are here…and guess what? We aren’t sure exactly why. And that’s ok. Sometimes God says, go…and you go. The details are being covered by him. (someone remind me of that, ok?)
There is a peace in trusting God with the unfolding of details.
I’m at the age of looking back over the things I have learned and remembering God’s faithfulness through the hard and the holy stops along the way. Through all I have lived through, there are three truths that keep me steady.
- Remembering God loves me and is for me.
- Remembering God is always working, even when I don’t see him or feel him.
- Remembering that every single thing has purpose, for my good and growth.
Without remembering God with me, I can spiral rather easily, but when these three truths are in place, my attitude is different and life is viewed as a story bigger than my circumstances. It’s like viewing life as the front of a puzzle box. The end result of all the pieces within the box is a beautiful well planned picture. But, with 1000 pieces to put into place, the opened box looks like a big mess rather than a perfectly planned design. But, piece by piece, it all fits. And, the same is true for us. Life often looks like a heap of pieces that don’t make sense. But he knows how even the hard and dark pieces of our story will work together for our good and our growth. Believe me friend, I have seen God work his faithfulness over and over again. But, it’s not an overnight thing, it’s overtime.
If you are struggling with the hard right now stop to remember those three truths. If you are stressed over not being able to make sense of your own details, remember those truths. Focus on the truth, fix your eyes on the bigger picture and believe that he is masterfully working all pieces together. And, above all else, don’t compare your pieces, your hard, or your story with anyone else. Comparison is the thief of joy and comparison will rob you of focus quicker than anything else. Comparing with others is a tactic the enemy uses to steal the joy of our one-of-a-kind God ordained story from us. When focused on everyone else, we can not see the beauty of what God is doing in us. Close the door on comparison.
If I could meet you for coffee I might bring a single puzzle piece and ask you to tell me what one piece of life you are struggling with today. Then I’d share my current struggle piece with you too. In the end, I’d remind us both of those three truths with the hope that as we continually regain our focus, our hearts will be drawn to God’s bigger story and our minds will stay fixed on his love for us.
Life is not always easy but armed with the truth we can defeat the enemy’s whispers on the daily.
Here’s some references to go with my rambling…..
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness. I will build you up again.” Jer 31:3
” I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans for good and not evil…” Jer 29:11
“I will never leave you nor forsake you” Hebrews 13:5
“In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
“It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13
“And he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so the men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.” Acts 17: 26
On another note…
California friends I will be on the Aspire tour in March… speaking in Merced 3/20, Livermore 3/21 and Chico 3/22. I will be joined by two amazing women… comedian Anita Renfro and recording artist Mia Keohne. www.aspirewomenevents.org for tickets.
Talk soon….
with joy ,
DEBBIE, this all make good sense and I plan to keep as a reference. Your insight on life is incredible and you never change you still know and live Rom 8:28…”And we know that God cause ALL things to work together for the good of those that love God and are called according to His Purpose for them. “.
You Certainly have been called; you live it and breathe it… Blessed be His Name. Glory
Dear Mary you are a mentor to all who know you. Thanks for always encouraging and pointing to Jesus.
Hi from Livermore Debbie!
It was nice to wake up & read your letter. Feels like I’m sitting right with you still at your home here. <3. Know God’s blessings are already pouring over you, Ray & all the kids. Tell him hi.
And thinking of all you enjoying & building in AZ now. To God’s Glory!!
I’ll see you at Celebration Church in March here with some of our Bible Study ladies. We’re getting back on track! So great!
Much love & warm hugs,
Hi Ann. Miss everyone but so e excited you are bringing some of the ladies in March. Can’t wait to see you all.
Love to go. Thank you for all you do. And good luck on your tour.
Thank you Ingrid!
You are so loved and prayed for, do you know that, loved one. I see you, hear you and love you. You are precious in so many eyes, we all know Ray’s and families but so many of us our hearts out here love your heart. Never forget this. “Ole Mare”…