Invite Debbie to your Group
Debbie speaks for women’s retreats, conferences, one day/night events and writers conferences and retreats. She also speaks with her husband Ray for marriage or blended family events. She is currently considering all requests : [email protected]
March 2024
3/8 Aspire Tour New Mexico
3/9 Aspire Tour New Mexico
3/10 Aspire Tour Roswell, New Mexico
April 2024
4/11 est.Her Conference, Spring Hill, Tn.
4/12 est.Her Conference, Spring Hill, Tn.
4/13 est.Her Conference, Spring Hill, Tn.
tickets www.estherpress.com
May 2024
5/3 Aspire Tour Bedford, Indiana
5/4 Aspire Tour Richmond, Indiana
5/5 Aspire Tour Bloomfield, Indiana
June 2024
Write to Publish Conferene
Wheaton, IL
July 2024
7/11 Speak Up Conference. Grand Rapids Michigan
7/12 Speak Up Conference, Grand Rapids Michigan
7/13 Speak Up Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan
August 2024
Does not book the month of August
September 2024
9/20 Family Life Church, Amarillo TX
9/21 Johnson Street Church of Christ, San Angelo, TX
9/22 Trinity Baptist Church Abilene, TX
October 2024
10/5-10/5 Heights Church, Prescott AZ. Women’s Retreat
November 2024
11/18-11/20 Communicators Collective, Myrtle Beach S.C
December 2024
12/14 Christmas Tea Bayside Church, Alameda CA
January 2025
Coming: Live a Better Story 2025 featuring Debbie Alsdorf and Christian Recording Artist Johnny Diaz
Debbie Alsdorf has been speaking to women’s groups for 30 years. With the experience of a seasoned ministry leader and a bible study teacher, she offers event messages and retreats with fresh and relevant messages. Her heart is discipleship and growing braver, stronger and with renewed purpose through every season of a woman’s life. A popular and in demand speaker, all of her speaking engagements have been word of mouth references, which is the best endorsement of all.
These retreat packages are general guidelines for a group to plan by. Debbie prayerfully adjusts each retreat while asking God’s direction for that unique group. She takes every opportunity to minister seriously and prayerfully approaches her time with the ladies there.
If this is the first time your group is having Debbie, the Deeper retreat is what is recommended. She shares her personal story of being pulled out of the pit of emotional pain and depression through returning to her first love and saturating her mind in scripture. After 17 years of being a Christian, in ministry, Debbie started over. This is the heartbeat of Debbie’s ministry to women—that they know who they are—and whose they are.
Retreat #1
This retreat takes the attendees verse by verse through Psalm 139
Deeper: Living in the reality of God’s Love
Session One—Get Real With God
Moving beyond myself to find myself in Him
Session Two—Get Back to Basics
Moving toward Core Truths for Life Change
Session Three—Get Re-Set to Live Differently: Moving to the Heartbeat of God in the rhythm of ordinary life
Session Four—Grow Nearer to God each Day
Choosing to Make Each Day Count
Based on the message of the book, Deeper: Living in the Reality of God’s Love, this retreat is centered around Psalm 139. Over the weekend four core truths of God’s Love will be taught in practical and life changing fashion:
He Knows Me
He Protects Me
He Made Me
He Values Me
The reality of God’s steadfast love will lead the way in exploring how being pretty, perfect and polished is a snare of our culture. What is of more importance is learning to live in our position as His, knowing Who we are and more importantly Whose we are.
Small group questions are available. Quiet time devotional is available if creating a personal quiet time is part of the retreat weekend. Scripture: Psalm 139, John 15, Matthew 6
Retreat #2
Living in the Meantime: What Do We Do With a Problem?
This retreat takes attendees through the book of Philippians
Becoming a Woman Who Trusts God:
Refusing to Let Circumstances Defeat, Derail or Define you
Session One—The Meantime: What it is and why we need a plan for it
Problems are Inevitable: Living Overwhelmed is Optional
Session Two—God Completes His Work in You
Live Loved: You Have a Good Shepherd
Session Three—God is Working in the Hard Stuf f
Be Different:Choose to Trust God before there is an answer to your problem
Session Four—Press on With New Perspective
Put Your Confidence in God: Learn the Pathway to Peace
Based on the message from the book, A Woman Who Trusts God, this retreat has it’s focus and foundation wrapped around the book of Philippians. All women know about less than ideal lives.With practical application women are encouraged to learn to live in the “meantime” places of life by trusting God and learning to re-frame their attitudes and expectations by lining both up with the truth of God’s Word. Many women live under the pain of their problems and this weekend will leave women encouraged to live under the promises of God instead…
With practical take-away, this retreat will not only remind women of the overlooked promise that they are never alone, and will encourage them to never forget that God will always be faithful.
Small group questions are available for sessions two and three. Quiet time devotional is available if creating a personal quiet time is part of the retreat weekend. Scripture: Phillipians
Retreat #3
Forget Not!
This Retreat takes attendees through the six powerful verses of Psalm 23 and all of Psalm 103
Forget Not: Remembering the Truth of Who He Is.
Session One: Paying Attention,The Need to Remember
Session Two: God is Always at Work in My Life
Session Three: He Leads, Guides, Restores
Session Four: God is good, and goodness pursues me
Debbie shares how her cancer diagnosis brought her to a place of waking up and paying attention to WHO God says He is. The six verses in Psalm 23, often heard at funerals, is actually powerful in resetting a woman’s mind on the care and comfort of Her Beloved Shepherd, in every season of life.
Retreat #4
The Giving Cup
Finding the gift of God in all of life’s hard place
- Session One: The Lord of My Cup
- Session Two: The Hard Cups in Life
- Session Three: The Strength of My Heart
- Session Four: The Cup of Praise and Peace
Retreat #5
The Sacred Journey
the path to emotional healing and release from childhood pain
Single Events
Speaking Topics for Single Events:
Any of the retreat messages can be fitted in part for a one day tea, luncheon, dinner or seminar event
Moms Groups
Debbie is a mother, stepmother and Grammy to 10 little ones. She loves to encourage young women and mothers.
It’s Momplicated! Hope for mothers and daughters
Leaving Heartprints—What a Mother Does Today Impacts Tomorrow.
Christmas Events
Debbie is a favorite for Women’s Christmas Dinners, Lunches, Breakfasts and Events. Each presentation is about 50 min in length.
Untangling Christmas
Go into the days of December looking for more meaning, joy, and genuine celebration of gratitude and love. This presentation includes 5 steps to untangling Christmas. With practical take away, this message presents practical thoughts of attitude, holiday mentality, how we treat others, and where we place our focus during this holy time of celebrations.
Hope for the Holidays
The forgotten promise of Christmas is that we are not alone. God’s gift to us has been wrapped in the promise of Isa 9:6. It’s as if God wrote his own Christmas Card with a promise of what He would be to His people. At a time of year where hope is needed, this message delivers the truth with compassion and fun.
Don’t Miss the Sparkle!
Each holiday season we get to choose our attitude. We can be stressed and depressed and spread our own gloom all around. Or we can choose to look for the good, the beauty, the sparkle in every face, every gift, every twinkling light. This presentation encourages women to reach outside of themselves making December a time of sparkle and blessing to all those in their sphere of influence.
Marriage Events
Ray and Debbie Alsdorf are available for marriage retreats , one day seminars and blended family seminars, classes, events.