Today’s Question
What if…I believed I was “enough”?
Today’s verse
2 Corinthians 3:4-6 “Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God, Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant–not of the letter but of the Spirit, for the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.”
Processing the Verse:
My confidence is not to come from who I am, in myself.
Confidence is mine in Christ, because he makes me competent
I am not to claim to have my own competence
I am to claim the truth that what I do have comes from God, and is given from His Spirit.
I can have life-giving confidence in Christ.
Competent: in the Greek is hikanos, which means:
good, worthy, sufficient, adequate or enough
So I can say:
I am not good in and of myself
I am not worthy in and of myself
I am not sufficient in and of myself
I am not adequate in and of myself
I am not enough in and of myself
But…I am enough, am worthy, sufficient, adequate and good for God’s purposes because of Christ Jesus! ” our competence comes from God” that means….our enough-ness comes from God!
Now Processing the Question
What if…I believed I was enough?
- How would I view myself differently?
- If I viewed myself differently would I live a different kind of life?
- What risks would I take that I don’t take now?
- Would I be less afraid and more daring to follow Christ?
- Would I trust Him to do things through me that I never dared dream before?
- Would I learn to quit putting myself down?
- Could my life be transformed if my mind was solidly renewed in the truth that I am enough in Him?
I don’t know who reads this blog, but I want you to know that it is a joy to imagine an army of women being set free right along side of me. My sisters in the Faith…Live Free Today! And, then let’s wake up and live free again tomorrow!
Today’s Prayer
Lord, As a woman I seem to be plagued with those two words “not enough”. As soon as I beat them down they come popping up again, like weeds in my mind, trying to trick me into trying everything and anything new to improve who I am, so that I will be better. Being enough becomes a god within itself as a woman today, and I know that you don’t want me to have anything or any gods before you. Lord help me to believe the truth that says…I am enough in you. And, that trying to be more, chronically doubting that I am OK, is an insecurity that is a final victory for Satan. Jesus set me free, one day at a time, and as those not enough images and thought pop up, teach me to beat them down with truth.
I am one that reads the blog and just wanted you to know it goes hand in hand this week with what we’ve been covering in two separate women’s Bible studies at our church! I’m sending the links to our two leaders. Thank you for your ministry.