"You complete me" is something that we have heard said about a couple completing each other. Two halves making a whole because of a connection that added value to the original. We usually think of this phrase in terms of love. Today's Question But, what if....we believed we were Complete in Christ? ... READ the POST
What if I believed I was COMPLETE in Christ?
What if we believed we were enough?
Today's QuestionWhat if...I believed I was "enough"?Today's verse2 Corinthians 3:4-6 "Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God, Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new ... READ the POST
What if we lived a holy life?
Today's Question What if...I took seriously the fact that God has called me to live a holy life? Processing the Question What does holy look like in real life? Am I willing to change or give up things in order to live this kind of life? What in my life keeps me self focused and stuck? Do I ... READ the POST
What if…?
Happy February! Do you have goals for this new month? Things you want to accomplish?Truths you want to digest? Cares you want to learn to give to God? Habits you want to break? This month I am going to be asking some questions. Today's Question: What if....I believed that God really held me in ... READ the POST