Whether it’s writing a book, a presentation or an article, writing with spiritual purpose requires being connected to God.
Pretty basic and seems simple. But, I can not count how many times I sit down to get my words on the computer without first sitting down with God in worship, thanksgiving and prayer. Too many times.
All of us can do things, but it is only as we are connected to the life giving flow of the Holy Spirit that we do things of eternal value. Jesus talks of this in the gospel of John:
“Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” John 15:4
Writing or creating without the anointing of God is like trying to blow dry hair without the dryer being plugged in. No power source. Crazy? Yes! But all of us do this. We wouldn’t think of doing it with an appliance, aware that it must be plugged in to operate. Why then do we assume that we can go off on our own and create anything of life-giving or lasting value without first plugging in?
So what’s a writer to do? I mean we are busy. We have lots of other things on our plates.
I must stop and spend time with God before hitting those computer keys? Yes. It’s not only a good idea, but one that promises a fruitful outcome.
What does remaining in God look like on a practical daily level?
It’s connection. It’s abiding. It’s starting the conversation.
Though I often tend toward a negative spin, I force myself to begin by thanking God first for who he is and then for all he has done lately in my life or the lives of those I love. I follow this gratitude by asking God to cleanse me of all that is not pleasing to him. This could be anything from fear and anxiety, to actually doing something unloving or hurtful to someone. It’s a wide range and I take my time, listening for God to reveal to me what to confess. Now with clean heart, the fun begins. Prayer winds down the road of asking God to fill me with the Holy Spirit and lead me into that day’s writing and word counts. The adventure of life is best done in connection to Jesus and the adventure of writing is much more enjoyable when empowered by His Presence.
What can you do to get into His presence today?
How might confession and thanksgiving help you with writer’s block?
This week my writing projects include, a new four-part message on Peace, a study on pastoral leadership for a church staff training and of course the daily seeking God for direction and words to help women heal from early childhood mother wounds. You can see why I need to be plugged in!
Grab a journal and begin to make lists of thanks, write out scripture to memorize, and prayers to ponder. Turn on some music and worship all by yourself. Write and then write some more.
God bless you my friends!
Loved the sentence about the adventure of life and the adventure of writing! This article was great! Thanks