Today is important. Why?
Because what a mother does today, impacts tomorrow.
There is no such thing as a perfect mom, just as there is no such thing as a perfect woman. The woman represented in Proverbs 31 is often looked upon for just the things she did. But, if we read all the way through her account we will find that WHO she was represents the message of what it means to be a woman today. She did many things that make us wonder why we don’t have her energy or drive. Besides all the things she did, we see that she even dressed like royalty. Shoot me now! But, a few verses later we see what she was really about, a clothing that was of the interior kind. This is what made her WHO she was.
Take a look:
“She is clothed in fine linen and purple….She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” v. 22, 24
What kind of woman can laugh at the future? None of us know the future. How can we rejoice or laugh at what an unknown future might bring? It is only a woman who knows WHO she belongs to that can laugh in the face of the unknown. Yes the woman in Proverbs 31 did many things but the most important thing she had going for her was a heart that trusted in God. It was the strength of faith that made her who she was. Knowing who she was and more importantly WHOSE she was, enabled her to live in tune to the heartbeat of God in the rhythm of her ordinary life.
“her children rise up and call her blessed.” v 28
Your children might not be calling you the blessed mommy, but friend I want to encourage you today in what God calls you. You see, with God it’s not about our performance, it’s about our position. He has positioned us as women to make a difference. He calls us His Treasure. Yes, that’s right, His Treasure! ( Deut 7:6) You might not feel like a treasure with kids crying and teenagers defying you. And as you age and get older, you might not feel like much of a treasure as you begin to feel out of step and out of purpose. But God says you are His and you are His Treasured Possession. Your position has guaranteed a life of purpose.
Why is this so important? Because we all live in the reality of who we believe we are or the insecurity of who we believe we aren’t. The reality that we live in impacts those around us, those we love the most. We leave impressions each and every day. Just as our fingerprints are on doorknobs, dishes and books–when we touch the lives of our family and friends we leave a heart print.
What kind of heartprint are you leaving today? Did you know it’s not too late to turn any negative around to a beautiful positive?
This week as we celebrate motherhood may we also celebrate the God who gave us the privledge of being women, of being mothers. And friends, it’s not just about the moms out there. Every woman leaves heart prints. If you are a sister, auntie, mother, grandmother or friend…you leave a part of you with everyone in your life.
My next blog post will tell my story of how early childhood heartprints affected me. The struggle of a mother and daughter and the healing of the Savior.
with joy,
oh, how I miss you! Happy Mothers Day to one of my favorite Spiritual Moms!!
I love you Debbie Alsdorf!