Everyone wants to be happy. But it is the pursuit of happiness that often causes us to remain spiritually immature. Life is more than good times and sunny days. Problems are part of life, but problems can change our life.
The Apostle Paul even went as far as saying,
” I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Philippians 3:10
Christ did not live or model an entitled life. In fact, he took the cup of suffering and took it trusting that His Father had a will and that will was best. When he took the cup he “gave thanks”. The example of looking to God in the midst of a very hard moment.
The saddest day is the day we are tricked into thinking that we are entitled to…..
What is that “thing” that you think you deserve?
When our expectations don’t match our reality we often think life isn’t how God planned. Perhaps, we think, if we just make a change…of scenery, job, mate or circumstance…life would be just like we always dreamed it would be–problem free!
But, TRUTH tells us that not only are problems part of life, but problems can actually change our lives by activating a transformation within us. When we look to God in the middle of each new problem, we can be changed from the inside out.
Take a look at what God’s Word has to say about problems and those pesky troubling trials that we all face.
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4
Make this a personal truth today.
Consider it a privilege to be facing ( fill in the blank) knowing that God is working in you, developing more dependence on Him.
Thank God for. ( fill in the blank).because it is maturing you. You don’t have to understand the problem. It’s the process that you and I must embrace. Unless we embrace truth, we will always be searching, never at peace and lacking in trust. Once we embrace the reality of less than perfect days, relationships and lives…we are freed to love and trust despite the ups and downs of the day.
When we are in the middle of problems it puts to test all the things we say we believe. If we believe God is big and mighty, then a crisis or problem tests that point. In the middle, God calls us closer to His side. We are instructed to cast our cares upon Him ( 1 Peter 5:7) And, when we do, he begins to work within us.This trust in the dark days breeds maturity, contentment and security.
Life is But a Weaving Corrie Ten Boom (The Tapestry Poem)
My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I cannot choose the colors
He weaveth steadily.
Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside.
Not ’til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas
And reveal the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned
He knows, He loves, He cares;
Nothing this truth can dim.
He gives the very best to those
Who leave the choice to Him.
I so appreciate you sharing yourself and Jesus with me Debbie.