Satan is after your mind.
“For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7
The Hebrew here for thinks is a word that means: reasons, calculates, reckons.
If we become what we are thinking about the most, then it makes sense that Satan’s biggest target would be our minds. Our minds and hearts are intricately woven, affecting everything we say, do, think, feel and ultimately act upon. The mind can be filled with the things of the Spirit of God, or it can be given over and filled with the things of the flesh. As Christian women the Spirit of God lives within us, but as Christian women, it is still possible to live by the sway and thoughts of our old sinful nature.”
“Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of the sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace…we have an obligation, but it’s not to the sinful nature, to live according to it.” Romans 8:5-7,12
When we were born again of the Spirit of God, our minds were not born again. We are filled with the Spirit, but our minds must now be renewed.
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2
Satan knows how dangerous we would be if we were different than we were before. He knows that if we had true intimate fellowship with the Father and others, many would come to know Jesus too. The enemy knows the impact we would make with hearts and minds full of faith and love. So he attacks us with doubt, unbelief,dislike or judging of others. In other words, he seeks to keep our minds stirred up, confused, and chaotic. In addition to that, he seeks to keep us in inter personal turmoil, worry and fear. All the while knowing that others mock Jesus when they see us, the Christians, living so pathetically human.
So today…I am encouraging you to listen to your thoughts and when they are negative, causing doubt, increasing fear, or taking you to an unkind place about another person…CHALLENGE THOSE THOUGHTS!
“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor 10:3-5
Every thought you dwell on, whether spirit or flesh, is determining the outcome of who you are becoming. If you dwell on the strongholds of unforgiveness, unbelief and fear, then you will be an anxious person, living according to how things make you feel. If instead, you go against the tide of emotion and begin the discipline of dwelling on the Truth of God’s Word, the Love He has for you , and the Faithful God that he is…you will become a woman filled with faith, love and grace.
Who do want to be? God’s best for you is obvious.
“Your enemy the devil prowls round like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him…” 1 Peter 5:8
Do not let him have your mind! He wants it, but he has no right over it. Scripture says you have the mind of Christ. Learn to live in that mind set. I am learning too, challenging my thoughts too.
May God’s Peace and Truth Fill your heart and mind this week.
So good to be reminded of the danger of letting my thoughts get away from me and the battle for my thought life! Thanks Deb! Miss and love you!
“What we think we become” Buddha
That goes for the positive and negative thinking. I struggle with over thinking so much that it has become a big downfall of mine. I over analyze everything and it consumes me at times.
Thank you for this post and for such a great, positive, and uplifting blog.
So great to read this from the point of view of someone who has gone through this and is overcoming! Thank you Debbie. and thank you Jesus, for giving us tools to win this battle. A real lift and encouragement. 🙂
in his love,
Your words always take me back to the truth of his word. Keep writing!
I need to ask a question…reading what you wrote about liberated women in chapter 5 bothers me. Actually it goes beyond. I am single, no children and worked for many years in graphic arts…a room full of men. Then later when times got rough, I switched to drafting…with a room full of men. I had no one to take care of me but me. I had no one but myself. Now, do not read that God is left out of this equation, by no means.
My question is…have you ever worked in any engineering environment or anywhere outside of the Christian community?
I never had the sense enough to finish my college education. My dad died the first year I was at Bob Jones University. Brand new Christian, I lasted one more semester and came back to California. I got a job in graphic arts at Philco-Ford in Palo Alto because the manager liked my printing. And so it started..i know God gave me that job and every one since.
And how you can relate women’s lib to depression…I can tell pre-women’s lib was more than depressing. Someone always had their hand on a womans head pushing her down.
I could write volumes, but why? Yes, I know what the Bible says about women…but most women aren’t in the home any more and are out in force helping survive in this economy.
We do exactly the the same work as men, and truthfully, many times better. Companies are finally recognizing and advancing women. Hoorah! I do not see how that goes against God’s word at all.
Women always do more than men at home. Even tho they both are in the workplace, usually the yard is maintained by someone else and even if the house has a weekly housekeeper, you know it’s the woman who comes home, cooks dinner, cleans up, bathes the children, does the laundry, etc. meanwhile papa plants himself in front of a football game etc. many times its not true, but all too often it is.
Anyway, I always thought my dear sister has her head stuck in the sand…she has no idea what women have to do to get promotions or salary increases…they work harder…
Who wouldn’t be depressed. This is a worldly issue…but you know Debbie, depression is caused by many things…family behavior, etc.
“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved ME…”
Thank God for His love, mercy and grace. But beyond all that I am thankful that He had me in mind when He drew that measuring line in space, He knew my name, He formed me in my sweet mama’s womb. I come from a family of believer’s…down thru time…I am so very grateful for His love for me.
As I look back, times were hard in the workplace, and they would have been harder, except For God’s great love for me.
By the way, I respect and love everything you have written and your work with Christian women. I just do not know why God took you from me…I am so happy to be back at Cornerstone. I miss Dave too.
My 2 cents worth or less.
Bob Jones Sr used to say “keep on keeping on”.
Hi Sue!
What book are you speaking of in the above comment?
Oops, didn’t think my remarks went out to the world at large! Hmmm
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I have been struggling with overthinking things and letting my mind get out of control worrying. I have the mind of Christ and I need to focus on what He wants for me rather than what the enemy tries to place in my mind.