I have been convicted lately. I want to love what God loves and hate what he hates. I want to experience the power of His Spirit stirring in the deepest part of me, the place where my daily attitudes translate into actions. Actions that turn into habits. Habits that keep me stuck.
Are you ever sick of being stuck in yourself? Do you get tired of your own stubborn pride? Do you ever hear the things you say and feel ugly? What about the things you think about? Are attitudes developing that could turn things in a direction you don’t really want to go?
I want to be habitually in tune with the Spirit. I wondered today what that would look like? I suppose it would be full of love, grace for others, believing the best, forgiving the worst, turning the cheek, trusting when the situation looks bad, rejoicing when there seems no reason to rejoice. I think it would look vibrant and fully alive, colorful and immersed in the heartbeat of God. But, for that to happen, my bad attitudes will have to be surrendered to Jesus. Ugh!
As God has heard my heart’s cry, there has been a recent stirring inside about the attitudes that slip in so easily to my mind and emotions. Like seeds, these little bitty attitudes get planted, watered, nurtured and grown. I excuse them like most everyone does. But, sadly the wrong attitudes don’t produce the kind of fruit I am looking for. My mind needs to be fortified by the vitamins of of God’s Word. If I don’t ingest these nutrients, the soil of my mind will produce ugly attitudes that can easily run rampant. Attitudes that are probably rooted in pride, envy, selfishness. Attitudes that are in line with my human nature. Attitudes I have struggled with and left at the foot of the cross more than once. Attitudes that I want to see real-life change in.
This current stirring and unusual conviction is the beginning process of real life change. When we ask God to make us more and more like Jesus, in heart attitude, he changes our hearts. For me, it most often happens through a portion of Scripture. As truth trickles in, making it’s way to the deepest part of me, I begin to notice something happening at a very real level.I can remember a time when I thought reading my Bible was going to earn me some spiritual brownie points. During those times I read my daily plan in order to check the duty off of my to-do list. I felt accomplished, but no more accomplished than the many other duties that I checked off for the day….emptying the dishwasher, doing a load of laundry and walking the dog. I didn’t realize that the Bible was not something to whiz through in order to get a check mark here or in heaven. The Word of God is powerful, life changing and mind altering. Don’t dismiss it’s power to change your heart and attitude.
Real Truth:
“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
It is my prayer today that you will allow God’s word to have the trickle effect. For it to trickle in, you have to open in up, read it, digest it, allow it to begin the process in you. As you read a verse or two will probably form an invisible highlight in your mind. Stop at this point. Think about what it is saying. Pray through the verse applying it to your own life as your process Scripture in your prayer to the Father.
Next write it on a card or put it on the note pad on your iPad or mobile device. Perhaps make it your screen saver for the day. Whatever will get you seeing it over and over. Look at it several times during the day. Read it and pray through it as you go to bed again at night. Watch God work. Don’t save the beauty of His Word for a special occasion. It is for real-life everyday use.
Have a wonderful week as you begin to acknowledge that you need truth in the deepest part of your being!
Trusting God to have His way with me….one verse at at time,
I read your blogs and books to learn how to “live up and live up to the truths in the gospel.” I am learning slowly, so painfully slowly, to be “A Woman Who Trusts God and Finding the Peace I Long For.”
Thank you Teacher and God Bless You!
Thanks for sharing your post. I think this is something we all deal with, keeping our attitude in check. I do find spending time in God’s word helps me, but sometimes it is still a struggle. We need God’s help to keep our attitude right. Blessings, Deborah H. Bateman-author
Well-said, Debbie.
So so often I forget this. I had the ugliest of ugliest attitudes today and fueling someone else’s too. What a great reminder. Going on my mirror to maybe prevent more days like this. Thank you.
God bless you, Debbie, I am at a point in my life that I am tired of the games, I am tired of being sad and miserable, I am tired of being a thermometer every situation that I encounter changes my mood. I want to be in control of my emotions, my thoughts my attitude and the condition of my heart. I want to laugh again out of my belly and live a life pleasing to God my father. Today i needed to know how to change my attitude so that the Lord would find my pleasing in HIS sight. Thank you for your encouragement
. Bless you