Coming off of the national day of LOVE, I am sure that there are many who were happy with the way the day panned out and others who are struggling with disappointment. True to American holiday form, Valentines Day is certainly blown out of proportion, creating expectations that are unrealistic. It is evidenced by the merchandising, the men frantically trying to buy something to please their women, and the hearts and flowers everywhere we look.
Don’t get me wrong…I love a good holiday. I like themes. And, I am one of those holiday crazed women who has hearts and love signs up at my house for the February decor theme. But, at the end of the day I can tell you what I have found out….
Human love, as good as it can be, is nothing in comparison to the love of God towards us. People will disappoint us. Our expectations will get us in trouble. But, the one we can put all our hope and expectations in, is the God who created us. The God who thinks about us day and night. The God who loves us when we are good, when we are not so good, and in all the in-between times.
Sadly words of God’s love often sound more like fairy dust than hope. Let’s face it, it is often hard for people to experience the love of God because circumstances crowd out the reality of a loving God. And, so that is my wish for you today…to take in, believe, internalize, and think on the following truths: ( taken from Psalm 139)
- You are Known by God
- You are Protected by God
- You have been Created by God and For His Purposes
- You are individually Significant and of Value to God
- It is funny how our perspective changes when we come from a place of security rather than a place of fear. It is amazing how different we are when we are living in our position as HIS Woman, rather than scrambling to make a name or position for ourselves. It is refreshing when we can look at our hardships as a divine working of God’s grace that will shape us into better people for His glory.
- Today…as the Valentines are 1/2 off at every retailer, let’s remember our true LOVE and give him every part of us, not just a discounted portion. After all, He is still remembering you the day after Valentines day…He is loving you and thinking of you Day and Night!