Continuing to reflect on the Good Shepherd, Jesus, as I prepare my heart for Easter.
Remembering the Truth: ( Today I am using New Living Translation)
“The Lord is my Shepherd; I have everything I need. Psa 23:1
He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name. Psalm 23:3
It is easy to think I NEED things that I don’t have. After all, there are many things that I would like to have, that are not presently in my hands. I would like a new car, new wood flooring, new clothes, closer relationships with certain people, etc….You get my drift.
When I focus on things I don’t have, I can’t see the beauty of the things I do have. In my experience counseling with women, this ” always wanting more” seems to be a theme. And the “not recognizing what we have” is also a theme. With this theme in our lives we become discontent, unhappy and unfulfilled. We also become focused on self, our rights, our needs, our wants and desires. We get a bit mixed up as we spin this web of self.
Look at what Scripture says about our heart’s desires:
“Take the delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desire.” Psalm 37:4
“Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust Him and He will help you.” Psalm 37:5
Sometimes we think God is like a genie who is going to fulfill us. But, that is backwards thinking. God is calling us to himself, drawing us to delight in Him, find our life in him, and in that place our heart’s desires are transformed/changed and we begin desiring God’s heart, desires and will for us. It is then that our heart’s desires are fulfilled, because they become one in the same with God’s heart and plan. Remember, He is the Shepherd, the Good…not manipulative, mean Shepherd…but a Good Shepherd. This Good God, this Good Shepherd provides all our NEEDS. That might mean that what I don’t have today…I must not need today. That type of Truth Thinking would turn my life around…literally.
And, that is what Jesus came to do, set us free from self, forgive our sins and provide the abundance of life and freedom that only can come from delighting ourselves in Him and trusting our days to the Good Shepherd. There is a freedom in believing Truth. Here are a few truths to be intentional about. It helps us delight in the LORD. When we begin to believe that God is Good and that He is the one who provides and protects, our hearts can be settled. For some of us, maybe experiencing contentment for the first time in our lives.
The Apostle Paul says:
“At the moment I have all I need, more than I need! The same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches.” Philippians 4:18,19
What do you need today? Are you bogged down with “wants” and discontentment? Are you stuck in unfulfilled expectations about your life, relationships or possessions? What if for today, you told yourself the truth…Over and Over…sitting in it, soaking in it, letting the powerful living Word of God begin to transform your thinking.
The Lord is my shepherd…so I have everything I need.
At the moment I have all that I need….so now I will focus on delighting in the LORD.
That is where I am going to SIT and SOAK today. Can’t think of any better spa treatment then the one that cleanses the heart and attitudes of my mind.
Be Grateful, Be Calm, Be Strong in the Lord,
Great WORD!!! Thank you!!!
This is great Deb. Gave up shopping for Lent and it’s already amazing me all the stuff I don’t actually need. It’s things like loneliness and longing for a partner though that trips me up on this though. That’s where I really wrestle with my needs and desires being met. Thanks for the scriptures to soak in 🙂
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I facilitate a wonderful group of ladies on Wednesday nights. Our current study is A Different Kind of Wild. We are on Wild Women Forgive and Make Peace this week. I chose your book, like I have others, by praying that the Lord will show me what we need to study. It has been a joyous journey getting to know you and your heart for women.
We have had a lot of great discussions and every week it seems that the chapter we are on is our favorite. The ladies keep reading ahead (something that does not happen much) because they can’t wait to see what is next.
Thank you for your commitment to write what the Lord wants us to hear. I pray that through this book we will grow wilder for our Lord.
A dear friend is feeling so down lately. I sent this blog to her facebook page. What a gift it is! Says everything I wanted too but didn’t know how.
This is absolutely outstanding. Thanks. In this era of name-it-claim-it theology and speakers masquerading as preachers to justify opulent lifestyles, this is exactly what our church in America needs to hear. God Bless you.