Continuing to reflect on the Good Shepherd, Jesus, as I prepare my heart for Easter. Remembering the Truth: ( Today I am using New Living Translation) "The Lord is my Shepherd; I have everything I need. Psa 23:1 He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name. Psalm 23:3 It is easy to ... READ the POST
Providing All We Need is God's Intention Towards Us
Intentionally Noticing God
I take much for granted. And, because of this, I am preparing my heart to celebrate Easter by being intentional in what I think about, what I hold close to my heart, what I notice in each day, and what I notice about God in my midst. Saturday night upon landing at Oakland airport after a speaking ... READ the POST
Being Intentional in my pursuit of God
Intentional. We hear this word often enough. Does it's meaning impact us or does it's meaning escape our every day life. To be intentional simply means to do something on purpose. We can do intentional wrong or intentional good...We can be intentional daily about choices that lead to a changed ... READ the POST