As I have been saying, the word JOY is turning out to be something much different than I expected as I started the year with that word just one month ago. And, through some silly daily things I think I am beginning to experience joy in a new and living way…a way that is deeper and more peaceful than the yippy skippy joy I have anticipated to rain on me when God gave me that word for 2011.
Monday morning I bloggged…did some things around my house, hopped on the treadmill, and then showered for a noon women’s ministry meeting at a leaders house. I was on schedule, systematically going through my list and keeping impecably on time…for a change. As I finished getting ready, I whisked myself downstairs to get my purse and keys so I could stay on track flying out the door and on to the meeting. But, the keys were not in the drawer. This meant one thing…my husband forgot to put them back in the drawer on Sunday.
I drew a breath, picked up the phone and called him. “Ray, the keys are not in the drawer, do you have them?” “No honey I am sure I put them in there” I drew another breath, ” They are not here and I have a meeting to go to.” silence….”Oh, I do have them, they are in the pocket of my jacket, I am so sorry.”
At this point I knew I had a problem. There were no keys, and my husband and his jacket, were not in close proximity to our house. My planned morning, my staying on time and getting everything done morning, was unraveling, and I knew it. I also knew that I had a choice. I had just read James, and this was a troublesome moment for me. Would I be upset? would I get frantic? Would I get mad at my husband who made an innocent mistake and was sorry? Now, I could say “yes” to all of those catagories, but I realized in the moment that this missing key moment was a new opportunity for joy. Though I admit it seemed crazy that it could be, I believed by faith in God’s word that it would be.
“Whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy.” James 1:2 NLB
Troubles come in all shapes and sizes. They do not have to be giant troubles for God to use them in shaping us. They are most often the little things, turned to big momentary problems…like misplaced keys. You see, the truth is, God is shaping us, developing us, in each and every thing we go through. Our walk with Jesus is a journey by which we are transformed, changed, from the inside out. For us to be women who aren’t just cleaned up on the outside, God must be continually working on our insides…Our attitudes, Our mindset, and the condition of our heart. If our hearts are yielded to God shaping us, we can see a trouble or annoyance, as a tool, take a breath, look to God in that moment, and make a choice.
That is what I did. I hung up the phone, realizing I could be frustrated or changed. I thanked God that he was developing something in me that was far more important ( at least he thought so…) then being on time for the meeting, or having my keys. I was being developed, as the scripture goes on to say….
“For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.” James 1:3-4 NLB
The part of my faith that was tested that morning was the fact that God desires to use every little trouble to make me a different woman, a woman who has endurance, patience, the fruits of His SPIRIT, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, self-control…as I walk with Him. So, I made a decision to have grace and kindness in attitude and action towards my husband ( something I would have wanted if the tables were turned!) And, I took another breath, made a few calls, and my wonderful neighbor drove me to the meeting. I was 10 minutes late, but had to let that roll off my shoulders. I was there.
And, I was there with joy…why? I didn’t blow up at my husband, I didn’t say ugly things that I couldn’t take back later, I didn’t cry, whine or scream in my empty house. I applied God’s Word, being I was memorizing it earlier that morning, and looked at the missing keys as an opportunity for joy.
What joy, I truly had as my husband showed up later to pick me up from the meeting and there was no tension, just peace. He felt so bad, and I was sincerely fine with it all. Now, the joy I felt and experienced that day from walking through a silly daily problem, and recognizing God’s shaping work in me….priceless!
Today, recognize your trouble, in whatever shape or size, as an opportunity to God to do more in you.
When HE works in a human heart and life, it brings with it the promise of all the things we could never do for ourselves. HE does the inner job. HIS SPIRIT at work within us, and the belief that it is true that He is always working, brings with it Great and Wonderful JOY. Oh….much different than I thought on January 1st! Joy is richer and deeper than just a happy day.
What are your opportunities today?
Have a good one…He is shaping you.
with joy,
This post reminds me of the newly released song, This is the Stuff, by Francesca Battistelli. The first line is, ” I lost my keys in the great unknown.” The chorus speaks to trusting God to use life’s stuff for our advantage.
“This is the stuff that gets under my skin.
But I’ve got to trust You know exactly what You’re doing.
Might not be what I might choose, but this is the stuff you use.”
I am SO glad that you put this incident on paper! It is the small stuff that tends to trip me up, get me frustrated and robs me of the joy that the Word encourages me to have. I can SO relate to the first portion of your morning. However,I hope that the next time I have a similar circumstance, that I will recall this and that the Holy Spirit will help me not lose it, stay patient, press through and experience the blessing of honoring God by looking to Him, rather than the “non-joyful” situation. It will make things easier on me, too I suspect. You’re transparency is a blessing! Thanks again.
I also thank you for sharing that. what a good example you are! I hope and pray that I will stop and recall James 1:2 as you did.
I heard that Francessca song for the first time this week and it is so fitting for this blog entry.
Love Ali’s pointer to the Francesca song… very good.
This blog is a solid reminder to not sweat the small stuff, and to get in the habit of giving even (and sometimes especially) the small stuff to God so we don’t get trippe dup on things that don’t matter. Isn’t it always the ants in the kitchen that do that to us, and not the elephants in the living room?
Thanks Debbie, as always, for helping your readers to put things in proper perspective.
Thanks for this blog. I heard some disturbing news a few hours ago and decided I really needed to connect with God. I remembered the Design4Living website and came here. I saw the date on the blog and thought, “Oh dear, this hasn’t been updated in nearly three weeks.” But, God knew that I needed to read this post RIGHT NOW. How amazing that God would keep this post here for three weeks, so that I could read it today!
Thank you for this reminder that our troubles are opportunities for our faith to grow. This is a test for me to choose to trust God and find joy in the moment.
Lord, please help me to trust you in this situation and to allow your Spirit to fill me with peace.
Hi Linda.
It never ceases to amaze me, how God orchestrates things. The blog that ministered to you was left up not by choice, but because I had been sick off and on and could not get to re-blogging. As I read your message, I asked myself…why do I ever doubt you God? Because clearly, this was left up particularly for you to see when you needed it. What a Good and Mighty, and Personal God we serve!