Just look at that word. It looks like fat with tiredness.
A quick glance at the dictionary tells me that fatigue is: 1. extreme weariness from prolonged exertion or stress 2. To make or become exhausted.
Most of us, as women, are familiar with being tired. Tired of problems, of duties, of taking care of everyone else–tired, fatigue, exhaustion–whatever you want to call it, we are acquainted with it at ever level.
When we are tired it would be good to rest. Brilliant conclusion, right? But, when we are tired, we often just push harder, do more. One would think we have lost our minds with all this running and exhaustion. But, for many of us, we are not sure there is another option. But there is.
I have just been diagnosed with a type of fatigue that is affecting my entire insides, chemical and hormonal balances. I knew I got sleepy from time to time…Well, my family affectionately calls me a narcoleptic! ( a condition that is characterized by continually falling asleep) I can’t seem to watch a television show, a movie, read a book….track with a long conversation….yep. I am tired and now even a Dr. explained in medical terms.
Spiritual Fatigue.
There is no dictionary definition for spiritual fatigue. But it’s real.
Most us us are familiar with this too. We are exhausted of trying to keep up the faith, help other people out, have a pleasant attitude. We are too tired to attend another function, read another chapter, or pen another journal page. We are Fatigued at the deepest spiritual level and it gives us lazy or forgotten faith. It becomes to tiring to be faithful. Spiritual fatigue.
And, like being physically tired, it would be good to stop and assess our spiritual tiredness too. But, we don’t. Instead we keep doing more and more, and wonder why we are so disastisfied and why we find ourselves judging others, quickly pointing fingers and being suspicious of those we once felt fine about. Exhaustion at a spiritual level affects our ability to see the bigger picture and affects our ability to love others as Jesus did.
If you are tired today, physically or spiritually…or both. Stop.
Give your tired self and soul to God. Ask for his intervention, guidance and help. Listen to His plan for healing of your tired heart.
“O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress…” Jer 16:19
lifting my tired heart to Jesus…will you join me?
Sweet Dreams and Rest Well!
Debbie, I feel tired a lot of the time, too. I never sit or stop. I just get more tired. Yesterday, I stopped, even for ten minutes. Just that time was refreshing. I often wake up at night, frustrated that I can’t seem to sleep through the night and feel ready for the day ahead. I think it is because I am over tired. I am going to try to stop and smell the roses more as the school year starts. Then hopefully I will sleep better at night. I’ll be praying for you to rest. Especially when I wake up in the night!