Today’s Theme: Transformed Lives
Today’s Dare: Dare to Renew Your Mind in God’s Word
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of you mind.” Romans 12: 2
The words “any longer” stick out to me as a neon light. I feel like God is inviting me to get un-stuck in any area that I have been stuck in. And, the ‘stuck’ part of me is usually processing life through the lens of a common sense world.
Through doing this dare, God has been asking me to submit to Him in areas that are uncomfortable to me. I just shared one area with someone, who said, ” that is not a God thing” ” you don’t have to give in to that!” ” Common sense says you don’t have to”
And, yes it’s true. Common sense tells us many things. Common sense can lead us down the wrong path and take us the opposite direction of faith. Does God use our common sense, for sure! But, should we rely on OUR senses? No! If I relied on my senses, I would not step out or Live Up very much at all.
We must rely on God, the truth in His word, and the processing of His Holy Spirit within us as we let the Word of God speak to us in the deep places that no one can see. Spiritual sense says to give Him all of me and every situation.
If we, as women, were to be honest about real values we might come up with things like:
- I want to be liked, accepted and appreciated by people, not so much by the God I can’t see.
- I live for my children and their needs/wishes, not so much for how God is leading me with them.
- I worry over how I measure up to other women, no so much embracing the true measure of my worth in Christ.
- I over compensate for my insecurities, not very often bringing them to God.
- I want an easy, breezy, life…who wouldn’t? , not too interested in pain, trials or tests.
- I value many of the things this culture values, not so much even sure of what I am to value according to the Bible.
Those two words, any longer, have me thinking today.
How about you? How will you be transformed?
Living Up!
Debbie, you are in my head! I have all those thoughts! I am especially plagued today about what does the Bible say I’m supposed to do anyway? I am on vacation and bought some clothes, eating out, and wondering am I supposed to enjoy myself or should I be at a soup kitchen somewhere? Thank you for your book. I am enjoying your down to earth approach and “real-ness” you have. Thank you, God, that you are big enough to handle all my thoughts and love me still!!!
Hi Chris!
In reading your comment, I am thinking of the verse ,
1 Timothy 6:17-19
“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age…”
Very clear that God provides us with things for our enjoyment, it’s just that our hope and heart is not to be set on these things. That is what the world does, those that have no hope in Christ, put their hope in things of this world. We, however, are to be different. Enjoy what He has provided and always be willing to share what we have to help others…but thank God…He richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment! Celebrate your vacation!
That said, have a great time! There are other times for the soup kitchen, but be open and aware of anyone that you might bless while on vacation, because you have Jesus, and everyone needs His touch!
Safe Travels! Live Up!
Hi Debbie,
I have just recently found your blog, and I love it! I have a question I hope you can help me with. I have struggled with anorexia in the past and many people told me to surrender that area to God. I am not sure what it looks like to surrender my eating and exercise habits to Him. I mean I am the one who has to choose how and what to eat and how much to work out. I so much want to honor God with my body- I just don’t know how. Does he want perfect eating habits? Is it a sin to be overweight? I have come a long way in this area, but I never feel like I am pleasing God with my behaviors no matter what I do! Thank you so much!
It’s so difficult really understanding what God is asking of me or where He is leading me. I think I’ll figure it all out for sure right before I die and I’ll have to hit my head, like I should have had a V-8. “Any Longer” goes together with making U-turns and I’m so grateful that God allows U-turns and do-overs. Your book is challenging my brain and bringing me to my knees – Thank You!!
Hi Erin.
Good questions. I am not sure I have “the” answers but I will tell you what I know to be true. First off, we all get to choose how we live, and obviously honoring our bodies is part of the thing that would be a good choice, being our bodies belong to the God who created them. That said, obsession with body image, or starving ourselves to conform to the beauty image of this world, is not honoring God with our body. It is very important that you are nourished, rested,and a healthy weight, not an “under weight” Obsession with anything is a stronghold and a bondage. I would like to suggest a great book you can order on Amazon. It is called ” Truly Fed” the author is Gari Meechum, she also has shared your same struggle. I think she will help you open up to full healing. It is a very encouraging read. As she points out, all eating that is dis-ordered, over or under, is something that God desires to bring healing to.
God’s Best to you as you seek Him!