Today’s Theme: The Humble Heart
Today’s Dare: Dare to walk in humility and grace towards others
“Clothe yourselves with humility towards one another.” 1 Peter 5
In a culture that is all about “me”, and is breeding narcissism, the idea of putting “myself” aside and lifting up another, is foreign to most. Today’s dare is to put on a different type of clothing of the heart…a new attitude towards those we are interacting with.
Humility is not being a door mat, but it is being a welcome mat. Humility says, I welcome you into my life today, I welcome you by stopping and caring about “you”. I welcome you by going outside of “me” and asking about you. I welcome you by caring to hear about “you”. I welcome you by giving you time, attention, and encouragement.
We might not think of, time…attention…and encouragement…as humility, but they are.
Several years ago I took a friend on a speaking trip with me. We were picked up from an airport and in a car for a 1 hour drive to the retreat center I was speaking at. I was in the front, friend in the back, while the driving was asking a hundred and one questions about me. I answered gladly….while my friend was wondering why I wasn’t asking the driver about “her”. When we got to our destination, my friend pointed out my pride and flaw. At first I was hurt, but then I realized she was “right on”. Since that day I have been aware of asking others about themselves, and caring enough to listen.
Humility in relationships can be summed up as, Practicing the Presence of People. Being present with them and not somewhere else. Care enough to put yourself aside, and by doing so, you will be walking in humility towards others…and so will I.
Here’s to Living in this Dare!
I enjoyed reading your blog today – I pray for a humble heart. I thought yesterday was Day 26 and I worked on the dare of fixing my mind on another person’s needs rather than my own and I got the entire family involved helping a neighbor with some landscaping. It was so much fun and satisfying. Thanks!
I have been guilty of talking about me and not asking about the person I am with. I realize it later and feel like a heal.
The verb “to humble” means to destroy the power or prestige of. Synonyms are meek, modest, gentle, submissive, and tolerant. Kind of sounds like a dish rag doesn’t it? As women, we are told we are weak if we submit or are meek. But it also means to be free from pride, to not think that you are one ounce better than someone else.
Grace is to give something that isn’t deserved. It is forgiveness, it is charity, and it loves. It is being flexible. It is unmerited favor. It is a virtue coming from God. It is what God asks of us concerning those who wound us. It is not, however, getting away with poor behavior. We are accountable to Him for the choices we make. He will give grace, but the idea is that we will learn and turn from our sin.
Here’s the thing. I tell my kids to worry about doing what they are supposed to be doing and let someone else take care of themselves. I need to apply that to myself. I need to do what Jesus calls me to do. And He calls me to walk in humility and grace. Will I obey and take care of myself?
When you love with His love, True love, you can be nothing but humble. You will reflect His strong character to others who haven’t seen it yet.
Today, I will work on being more flexible. I have a hard time with that. I will try to fix my mind on the needs of my kids. Not their WANTS, but their needs. Wants are totally different. Not that they think so? Not that I think so sometimes, too. I will also work on listening to their opinions before giving them mine. Maybe I will even withhold my opinion altogether! That would be amazing.