Today’s Theme: The Power of Words
Today’s Dare: Dare to Use your Tongue to Bless and Build Others Up
“A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” Pro 25:11 “The right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry.” The Message
Our words can be beautiful!They are likened to custom jewels, and apples of gold.Today’s dare challenges us to pay attention and take inventory of how I speak to and about others.
Take inventory of how I speak to others? Hmm…. This truly is a dare. Because I can speak kindly to others while with them, but the dare as a woman is, speaking that way when not in their presence.
Be accountable to God for my mouth? Yes. This is a true dare, a “double-dare” for me. I desire, above all things to be conformed into His image. And, part of the walk of faith is to live out faith in the daily practical areas. Practicing faith in how I speak of others is a concept that is Biblical, spiritual and life giving not only to the one I speak kindly of but to me as well.
My prayer has been to love from the center of who I am, and if the center is ugly and negative, then the outflow will not be that of the beauty of Christ. Being accountable for my mouth is to love in a way that impacts the center of me.
Years ago I had a friend who stopped at a mini-mart while on a road trip. Looking for some quick energy she picked up a candy bar, and continued on her way. Without looking at the candy she ripped into the wrapper and sunk her teeth into the chocolate…only to find that in the center were maggots. Yuk.
The chocolate was wrapped right, appeared to be the right thing…but the center was spoiled, rotting with bugs. In the same way, we can look right, appear to be the right-Christian, and be spoiled on the inside of us…rotting away with things unspeakable or with things spoken in private conversations, ugliness can permeate us from the center place.
Today is the day to pay attention to your mouth, your words, your attitude, and the idea that kindness in speech can be a blessing to help in the wholeness and healing of other people.
Take on the Day with Beautiful Words, and Kind Things.
I dare you! 🙂
Living up and Growing!
Those who know me know that I love having visual remenders and often give them out to help others remember a truth. The candy bar is NOT my favorite. You can bet I will never forget it and its meaning in relation to MY WORDS when I fall into the trap the enemy has set for me. You are right Debbie…YUK!!
I am currently reading and studying “A Different Kind of Wild” Yesterday I read Chapter 7 “Wild Women Wear A Different Kind of Style” Today’s Faith Dare reiterates one of the things I need to work on. Thanks for the reminder.
This is my most challenging dares of all. I’ve been to many counseling sessions for “mouth management” and slowly, but surely I’m learning the importance and the impact my words have toward others. I talk too much at times, so this is extra challenging for me. Sometimes, my heart cannot believe what comes out of my mouth and it has lots of regrets. Thanks for your encouragement to speak gently.
Yes, this dare is practical but hard. As I tried to live this dare, I kept finding myself saying things that were not appropriate. I had to keep pulling myself back. My prayer kept being…Lord, let me love from the center place of single devotion to you. Lord, let my heart be sweet and not filled with maggots!
Webster’s dictionary says that to encourage is to inspire with courage and hope. But it doesn’t come naturally. Maybe on a good day when I am feeling great. But see me when I have a migraine or am frustrated and my words don’t give courage or hope.
Isn’t the tongue the largest muscle in our body? I thought that I heard that somewhere. Words can soothe or cut like a knife.
You know the toothpaste example, right? Squeeze all of the toothpaste out on a plate. Then try to put it back into the tube. Can’t be done. That is how it is with words. Once they are out there, you can’t take them back. Or the sugar and vinegar example. I did this with my son when he was little. He was saying many unkind words to others at preschool. I wanted to help him see the power of his words. I had him taste sugar. Wasn’t that good! You could eat sugar all day long. It made you feel good. I had him taste the vinegar. Yuck! How awful that was. It made you feel yucky! Who wanted that? I then explained that his words could either be sugar or vinegar. The person he was talking to could either enjoy his words like sugar or feel bad like vinegar.
Words can wound deeply or give such love and encouragement that lives can be turned around. What good gifts of words can you give to someone today? Look for them when you don’t feel like it. Sometimes you need to really search or seek for a kind word. When you give it out, you will encourage, or inspire courage and hope, to someone who is in need of uplifting. See what the reaction is! You will be blessed and so will they!