Today’s Theme: Needy Whiny and Discouraged ( faith dare page 164)
Today’s Dare: Dare to Speak Praise, Sing Praise and Live with Confidence in God
“Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you.” 1 Thes 5:18
I have been sharing with you some of my process and how God is calling me to faith, as I prepare for my son’s wedding. I started this dare, with the Cornerstone Women, the month of my oldest son’s wedding, and as of today, we are 3 days from “I do”. Being it’s so close I am naturally up early with my mind filled with all the things I have to do in the next 2 days, and for the rehearsal dinner.
I can attest today that I have had a recent reminder that living under the circumstance causes me to be places that God never intended me to be. And, yes, while under, one can get a bit whiny and discouraged! Been there, done that, a few times this month already.
Yesterday I was stressing over the table decorations for the dinner I am in charge of….I want it to be nice, but fun and not formal. I want to please the bride and groom and her family. I thought I had a solid plan but the plates I purchased didn’t work and threw everything off….I began spinning….trying different things, obsessing over something so small. Back and forth, back and forth over how the tables will be set…paper, nice hard plastic, real glass plates…..from one thing to the other…and back again. Seriously? There are people in Haiti living in tents and I am spinning my wheels over this????
So today is “D” day for all I need to have this dinner party in place. I must make a decision, purchase the last things, etc. Add that to an already full day of getting my hair colored, nails done, etc….and my sister arriving to stay with me from out of town. So….today’s dare is perfect for me.
I am to praise God all day, as a spiritual exercise, a discipline.
I have much to praise Him for. I am gaining a new daughter in 3 days. I can be sad over cutting the apron string with my son, or now begin focusing on the new daughter and the gift of God in that.
I am blessed to be able to do this dinner. I can thank God for that, or stress over pleasing everyone.
On and On….we can really take ourselves to places we don’t need to be.
Can’t wait to see how this increases my focus and gets me through TODAY!
Living Up,
It is so easy to get caught up in wanting things to be “perfect” for our kids. If we obsess over all the details we aren’t able to enjoy the occasion itself. Just breathe, it will all be wonderful.
I am so greateful that God has lead me to your books and your website. You have no idea how much of a blessing you have been in my life and my friends lives. I will be thinking of you and praying for your son’s big day. Please take the time to enjoy it!
Ugh… I really needed this! I choose to praise God as an exercise today! Just like excercise, I don’t want to. That is soooo predictable when satan is workin’ overtime! I know better. Thanks for the reminder.
So to get rid of my funky focus I need to stop complaining,take up my position, and PRAISE GOD IN ALL THINGS…Phil 4:13. Now my mind gets it, my heart is open and I am looking forward Part 4, Living Out!
Needy, Whiny, and Discouraged – this dare was written personally for me. Too often, I go to God when I’m so needy of something, whining about something, or being discouraged because I don’t get an instant response and forget about praising Him. Today, I will take the dare to say “Thank You” and “I praise You” throughout my day. I love how you ended your prayer – “Lead me in your way, in my mind and with my mouth.” Especially with my mouth. Thanks!
Ya, Deb, in the end, there is simply ONE thing who deserves our focus. I pray that as you prepare for this rehearsal dinner feast, you will be able to look forward a bit to the amazing marriage supper of the Lamb that God is preparing for us. What a party that will be!!!
Thank you everyone for all your comments. They are helping to not focus on my own pain right now. These words are so easy to read, (dare to praise)but harder to do. Why does it feel comfortable to whine about being lonely and yet do nothing about it? My only child, a married daughter, has just arrived safely in Florida to start to teach 4th grade in 2 weeks. I thought I would be living near her to be able to help her in the classroom and we even purchased a retirement home to be near her (her suggestion). Now she’s moved and that dream will never be. I can only allow myself to whine so long about it and then I must Praise God for the great work he is doing in her life and how His spirit (through her) will reach out to families and kids in her area of Florida. I am volunteering at VBS this week to focus on serving others and praying that God will show me where He wants me to serve after this week. NO whining for me; ONLY praise!
Debbie, the rehearsal dinner will have fond memries for you when you look back; you will only remember their beautiful faces and how much in love they were. Trust me; it has been 21 yrs since that day for my daughter and I can’t remember what kind of plates we had, only how happy everyone was to be together! <3 karen
I love this dare. It can be hard in many circumstances, but it can be such a blessing. Start with the small things so that you will be ramped up for the big things. I spent some time this morning thanking Jesus for bringing together many of my past Bible Studies so that I can see more clearly the love of God and the Truth of Jesus. My walk is more real and much stronger. I have experienced these last 20 days how keeping my eyes up and looking through the lenses of the Lord will change my attitude. I then experience His peace. I am less quick to stay in my funk and much quicker to redirect my mind. I hear myself or feel myself frustrated, panicked or hurt, but God has created a “stop” button that keeps me from continuing on the path of lies.
He has reminded me that I started a “praise box” sometime ago and it needs to be dusted off. I want to fill it with my thanks and praise and those of my family. My challenge is to add to the box daily. I need to purposely look for even one small thing to praise each day. I want to be so overcome with praises that I can’t keep track of the many good gifts He has given me each day. I am feeling much more firmly planted. Praise Him! My older son gave me a gift this morning. I said that I was having trouble with my eyes and that I was getting old. He said, “You don’t look old, Mom!” Praises!
I love the Praise Box idea!
I have had Praise Journals where I jot down praise, with the date at the top of the page. Not like a journal where I am writting lots of stuff, it’ more like a list I can easily refer back to.
Praise changes us.