Today’s Theme: Live as an Over-comer
Today’s Dare: Dare to Get your Head Out from Under the Circumstances
“Jesus said, In the world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Under the circumstance keeps me fearful and fretting. Under the circumstance can make me feel suffocated with the “what if” questions. Under the circumstances is not where I want to be. But, time after time, if the circumstance is hard enough, my natural tendency is to get under it and get squashed by the trouble of whatever I am going through.
This past year God keeps showing me that being overwhelmed is a daily choice. I can be, we all can…if we want to. We might say we don’t want to, who would “want” to be overwhelmed, yet we keep living under things instead of living over them through faith in our Faithful God.
This week I have a zillion and one things because my son is getting married, relatives are coming to town, etc…..They are happy things and also stressful, gotta get things done….things. I can be under the pressure of all I have do to, because I know how to live there and do that. Been there, done that!
But, what IF I tried something new. Living over the pressure by Focusing upward and putting my trust in Christ to see me through each detail, each day, even each hour?
I just might escape the funk if I do!
Looking Up enables me to Live Up!
Many blessings on your week,
Two dares in one day – how cool!! This morning after reading today’s dare, I chose to be positive in all situations and not slip “under.” I loved my attitude all day and I loved my focus on Jesus all day. I think I’ll try this again tomorrow.
I was reminded of Judy Hampton’s book, Under the Circumstances. How manu times I have allowed myself to be curshed under the weight of my circumstances and not see the opportunities He has given me to practice my walk of faith. I want to be established in my beliefs. This day I took up my shield of faith Beth Moore taught us. I was able to continue to look up when I felt like I could be overcome. I was able to stop the funky attitude much faster and redirect my thoughts. Great day.