Today’s Theme: Not Enough ( page 129)
Today’s Dare: Dare to believe you were not created to be enough, in your self.
“He has made us competent, adequate, enough, sufficient.” 2 Cor 3:6
This truth has been huge for me. I have to say, as a word of encouragement, to those of you who struggle with this, that there is healing available. You can be different in your view of yourself, the way you process life, and the way you process relationship with others. It doesn’t happen overnight if you have been hurt in your family or origin. It will take some intentional re-direction of truth to get it through your head, and into your heart. Jesus is Enough!
I also want to remind you, that the testing of your faith, the trials and biting situations, are the things that turn you to Christ for healing and wholeness. So, is a situation has you “feeling” not enough, right now, realize that things happen to you, so that Christ and His Truth can be formed in you. Embrace the irritant, you are a pearl in the making, you are valuable to Him.
You are in Christ, now!
You are complete in Christ.
Jesus lives in you and His power is working in you.
Quit trying to measure up and spend your energy in connection and friendship with Jesus.
Allow this connection to change you
Refuse the negative thoughts, and the perfectionistic ideals, embracing being a Christ follower rather than a self-improvement woman.
that’s all for this morning.
Living up,
Just when I thought I had “learned this lesson”… God allowed me to walk the long, lonely, empty road of infertility. The lie of “not enough” screams loudly and often relentlessly to a dry womb, especially at baby showers or just being at church on Sunday…
But, it is just that, a lie. The only way to silence the lie is by speaking Truth. The antidote to my discontentment is gratefulness. I am His. Jesus in me is “competent, adequate, enough, sufficient” and I rest in Him. He knows, even allows, my grief. But He is *with me* and I am truly truly blessed.
Thank you for speaking Truth Debbie… “Allow this connection to change you” ~ yes! Jesus’ love and power and grace is transformational:))
I have been here at your website and just desire to have an opportunity to study. Unfortunately, finances are beyond my reach. could it be possible to get materials even via email that could help enrich my spiritual life as well as those of the people I lead?
thank you kindly,
In His service,
Pastor Franc
“Embrace the irritant” – I love it!! There seems to be so many “irritants” in my life right now and I never thought about embracing them, just want to get rid of them instead. I guess, I’m on my way of becoming a large black pearl. Thanks for the positive spin on these tests and trials we all experience. Turning the negative into positive has been my goal the past few days. I love knowing that when God sees me – he sees beauty. Debbie,thanks for the encouragement.
HE completes us! By design.
That thought kind of takes the pressure off of one more thing I think I need to worry about or fix. I can hand it over to the One Who can and will deal with it, to complete me.
When we feel we fall short of our expectations, we cut ourselves down. That is not the thinking God wants us to focus on. If there is nothing we did to cause the shortfall, we have nothing to be ashamed of. Being critical is without purpose. It is Satan’s way of keeping us from the Truth: God’s plan all along was to complete us. He will if we are willing.
It is hard to refuse negative thoughts. They are easier to handle sometimes because we already believe the lie that we are not good enough. The truth is that “The King is enthralled with (my) beauty!” Psalm 45:11 tells me. He knows my shortcomings because He made me with shortcomings so that I could be made complete by Him when I live in His truth.
I want to feel like I am a beauty to be enthralled with. But, If He already feels that way about me, why do anything but enjoy it!
The group Mercy Me wrote this song “Beautiful.” I thought about it a good portion of the day. I hope the words will touch you.
Days will come when you don’t have the strength. When all you hear is, you’re not worth anything. Wondering if you ever could be loved. And if they truly saw your heart, they’d see too much. You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. You are made for so much more than all of this. You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. You are treasured. You are sacred. You are His. You’re beautiful!
Thanks Mary. Yes, The Lord himself sees us as beautiful. I am finally experiencing freedom from the idea of beauty being just what I can see and am at such peace with being His, and being completely beautiful to Him…warts and all. It is amazing to be able to live outside of those insecurities. I love that Christ is at work in each of us…shaping, teaching, training, and delivering us from SELF and LIES!