It’s official, summer is here. The calendar says it…so let’s go with it!
In the same way, it’s official…God is near. He sees your stuff, He is with you in it all, He is mighty to save you in the middle of your struggles.
It is official, what is impossible with man, is possible with God. And, for the record it is official that He has come to give you and me abundance of life. But, for the record, most of us don’t live there long. We are too busy, too stressed and too worried for that. But, let’s try something new.
Just as we say “it’s summer” because the calendar says June 21st is the start date, let’s also say ” God is with me” because that is what Scripture tells us about God…Immanuel, the God who is with us.
Some of you are in parts of the country where it does not look like summer, but, it still is summer, right?
And, some of us are in circumstances where it’s easy to forget God is with us, but He still is, remember?
Philippians 4: 6
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Paul launches into some action or practical faith steps here. He just told them to rejoice, reminding them that the Lord is near. Now he gives them some instruction that can change how a live is lived out in the daily things. Personally, I have trouble remembering things unless I can make them simple to remember and hang on to. Over the years, I have applied this verse and have practiced living in it by:
1. Refuse worry or anxiety
2. Instead Pray
3. Be specific with details
4. Thank God for hearing, and for His provision.
Believe it or not, in a world of anxiety producing circumstances, we can learn to trust God. We can also learn to turn our worries into prayers, and our mental chaos then becomes peace.
What are you worried about today?
Eugene Peterson in the Message says today’s verse like this:
” Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.”
Stop the worry cycle by stopping and giving the care over to Jesus. Whatever it is, he hears. Whatever it is, he can handle it. Whatever it is, he is using the presence of the need in your life. Humble yourself and don’t try to fix everything yourself. Pray about EVERYTHING!
Living up and Praying up,
thanks for the reminder. im working on my finances right now. i never look at my account…too afraid, too lazy. but facing my husband missing out on a few paychecks has forced me to do some looking,changing,budgeting,and relying on God for provision. thanks again