Philippians 4:5
“Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”
In the Thesaurus, it says that gentleness is being considerate. I think it’s interesting how Paul puts the two things together. Be considerate to all, remember the Lord is near.
I wonder how we would treat other people if we thought Jesus had us on hidden camera? You know like those reality shows. Truth is, that is how much God is involved, sees all, and walks through our days with us.
The Lord is near.
Today think about how you would live differently if you believed and lived as if God was near in every situation. Short and sweet for today. But certainly not fluffy. Applying Scripture, lining our lives up to it, or living it out, is DEEP!
From Streams in the Desert, and excerpt reminding us that God is near….and working….
“All you long to be as a Christian, and all you long to do for God, are within the possibilities of faith. Then draw closer to Him, and with your Bible open before you and your soul completely open to the power of the Spirit, allow your entire begin to receive the baptism of His presence. As He opens your understanding, enabling you to see His fullness, believe He has it all for you. Accept for yourself all the promises of His Word, all the desires He awakens within you, and all the possibilities of what you could become as a follower of Jesus. All the land you see is given to you. The provision of His grace, which helps us along the way to the fulfillment of His promise, is actually tied to the inner vision God has giving us. He who puts the natural instinct int he heart of a bird to fly across a continent in search of a warmer climate is too good to deceive it. Just as we are confident He placed the instinct within the bird, we can be assured He has also provided balmy breezes and springlike sun to meet it when it arrives.”
living up, Debbie
Yes, HE tends to HIS flock as He commands us also to FEED HIS sheep. What a faithful and mighty God we serve!