It’s funny how things work. We want to have true peace, but when we do, it’s easy to feel guilty for not worrying. A lack of worry seems to sometimes feel like a lack of concern. Funny people we are.
I hurt someone and feel terrible. I handled something poorly. I didn’t mean to, but I did. I was so busy that I didn’t realize that I handled the situation poorly until they told me they were hurt. Ugh!
But, God, even in these situations will use them to shape and change us if we go to Him, humbling ourselves for His instruction. So, I did that. And, yep! He showed me that I had handled it poorly…no surprise…but a sting when knowing God himself is confirming that.
What happened next is the important part. I could obsess, hide, feel shame, refuse to admit I was wrong…or all of the above. But, being I am in Philippians, planted there for now….I chose:
- Give the situation to the Lord, ask Him to work in me and the other party.
- Refuse any anxiety or contrary negative thoughts about the situation
- Thank the Lord that He is with me, changing me, convicting me and using said situation for all involved.
- Praise God, Rejoice, that I can receive Him and His peace
Jesus offers peace. We can take it and learn to live in it’s light. Or, we can continue to spin, fret, worry and obsess over every one of life’s disappointments, hardships and problems. The choice, is really up to us.
I don’t like to hear that. Choice often seems like a dirty word. Given a choice, leaves me feeling guilty if I have choosen incorrectly. But, truly, choice is powerful and choice is on the menu of options every single day I am alive. This is true for you too.
We are told that when we:
- refuse worry
- instead pray
- petition to God and give Him thanks, for hearing and answering
that we will have peace….and look again at what that verse is saying:
Philippians 4:7
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
What is the peace of God?
Transcends: to pass beyond, to exist above
John 14: 26-27…The words of Jesus Christ
“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
The peace of God is different than human experience peace…Jesus
The peace of God is different than human understanding…Apostle Paul
- We do not have to have good circumstances to have peace
- We do not have to understand what is going on to have peace
- We live in peace as we believe that God is WHO He said He is
- We live in peace as we believe the promises of God for us
- We live in peace as we know that we have dumped our cares at His feet
- We lose our peace as we take those things back and fret over them
- We lose our peace when we obsess and try to figure out everything
- We lose our peace when we begin manipulating situations
- We lose peace when we are prideful and insist on our own rights, way, protection, and image.
- We lose our peace when we don’t Look UP!
- We lose our peace when we don’t live in thanks
- We lose our peace when we make the choice to NOT believe God
Jesus left the disciples, but he provided as he was going. And that same provision is ours today. The Holy Spirit is what was left for us. This Holy Spirit lives within us and is teaching us, guiding us, pointing the way for us.
Listen today. Look Up Today. Refuse Worry today. Thank God that He is with you Today. Then, receive the Peace that guards you from all evil and negative impact.Then, receive the Peace that changes everything…The peace that transcends who you are and helps you live in WHO HE IS!!!!
Hey…want to have a summer challenge? Grab a Faith Dare Book and Join me and the women at Cornerstone Fellowship in this 30 day challenge!!!!
The Faith Dare…30 days to your fullest life, is a 30 day, one day at a time devotional book, promoting fasting of self, so that we can be re-booted spiritually. Join me on the journey to living up and living in the peace of God that passes all understanding.
Living up, will you join me?
God’s Best to you today,