The book of Philippians has called us to action. Action on applying our faith by trusting God enough to Rejoice, even when…and even in…bad things. The result of refusing anxiety and turning our worries to prayer…is in today’s verse.
Philippians 4:7
“ And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard you hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Later in chapter 4, we will see how this build up of actively applying faith, leads to a verse we quote and are familiar with…I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!
And, yes we can.
This morning, I received an email from a friend, who decided, time to get back in shape and honor God by honoring the body He gave her. I really was inspired by her email and thought you would be too.
So, I had kind of a cool accomplishment last night at boot camp I was hoping to share with you. Mostly because I still can’t believe I did it…..200 squats, 100 push-ups, and 200 abs!! This was only the 4th session. It was in the last 25 minutes of the workout when I was already starting to be tried, that the coach sprung this task on us. There was no way I could do all that! I almost wasn’t about to try it either. The coach, however, knew the best way and I trusted in his leading. He broke it down into 10 reps; 20 squats, 10 push-ups, 20 abs. Rest for a minute and repeat. 25 minutes later…..I had done it!! (I have to admit I only really did 85 push-ups, though.)
The application is, something can seem daunting, like writing a whole book, a circumstance, or a 30 day Faith dare, when you all you are looking at is the end volume and your own strength. Seeing 200, 100, 200 written on a white board was scary! But once it was broken down into manageable portions, such as a chapter at a time, a decision at a time, or a dare at a time, you can do it!!! You get to the end and think,” Wow, I did it! It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” I also realized that I was stronger than I thought I was. Similarly in a meantime circumstance when I am surrendered to the leading, guiding, “coaching” of God, He will break it down into manageable pieces. If not one day at a time, one hour at a time and give me the strength to keep going. I can trust Him with the best way to navigate the challenge. The end result will be the discovery that my faith is stronger than I thought and I will know Him more intimately.
So, what is your challenge?
Don’t worry, Pray, Thank God, Receive His Peace…as He gives you what you need one moment, one choice, at a time. You can do it in His strength. You can live your best life in Christ. Go for it! Reach for Him! Turn your worries into prayers!
that’s it for today!
living up,
Thanks Deb for your sweet words of encouragement. I love knowing that I can receive His peace through each little step I take. I found out yesterday that I need to lose 52.8 pounds to reach my healthy weight and it seems so far out of reach, but I know, with the strength of Christ, which you have taught me how to receive, I can do it by taking one step at a time, one pound at a time. I appreciate you dearly – your blogs are a source of inspiration and encouragement. Thanks a million!!