Sometimes I stress over the things that are not “right” in my life. I focus on change so much that my life becomes obsessed with whatever change I am working on at the time. When in this frame of mind, my mind is not usually on Christ and all that He has taught me to live in and walk in. I live distracted with what I am trying to change rather than living focused on what Christ has accomplished for me, and continuing in that.
Don’t get me wrong, change is part of the journey. Goals are also important to effect some areas of change. It’s just that, for us human-flesh people, who get carried away by our next and newest whim…goals, projects, trying to change….can become what we live for. It is very clear that what we were created to live for is God’s purposes for us. Often that purpose involves change and goals, but when it does, we are not to throw all else aside to focus on the “next thing”, but rather we are to continue by faith, to walk in what we have already learned and believed, as God adds more to our faith and more freedom to our step.
This is the beauty of laying aside yesterday, and pressing on today. We lay the day, the deeds and the stuff behind. We don’t lay the truths we have already learned to walk in behind, but we continue on the foundation of truth, one step, one day, at a time.
Philippians 3: 16
“Only let us live up to what we have already attained.”
- What truth have you learned to walk in?
- Do you remember to continue in it?
- To you allow it, as a solid foundation, to support the new things of each day?
Identify where you are today. Take a quick inventory. Are you living in what you know to be true? Think about these things.
Living Loved,