I am recovering from blog troubles…yes, that’s right, blog troubles. I have been posting and they have not made the website because they are lost somewhere in cyber nation! I think I found the problem, so hopefully the blog will once again be up and running. It’s hard in the middle of “stuff” to keep the right view and perspective, but necessary. Why? Because we live based on how we view things, circumstances and people. How is your view today?
Philippians 3:15
“All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you”
God has a room with a view, so to speak. He can see things that we can’t see. His perspective is eternal, everlasting, broader and richer than ours. We see what is right in front of us. He sees the entire picture. Add to that, the truth that God is always at work in us, will never leave us, is ever faithful to us, and ordains each day…even giving angels charge over us…and you have a picture of being taken care of.
I realize we can not see the picture right now. We often do not feel taken care of. More often we feel alone and left to fend for ourselves. But, that is earth’s perspective, not heaven’s. The perspective that is spiritual is the one that says, Yes! Jesus loves me, and that love translates into care, faithfulness, watchfulness and blessedness.
So what was Paul saying?
Christ had become to Paul the one object of the soul. To live for Him and seek His glory is the only thing that counted in his estimation. Yet he still dealt with infirmity, hardship, judgments. And, yes he still made mistakes, could come to wrong conclusion, and could be influenced by environment or mental capacity. But, still all Paul really wanted was the mind of Christ on matters of life. And, with that mind of Christ, he wanted a new perspective to live for Him…completely, sold out, totally surrendered to the will of God.
Here is what has led up to this verse 15:
- Be confident that God is at work in you ( 1:6)
- Live in abounding love, so that you may have insight, knowledge and discernment ( 1:9)
- Life is hard ( 1:12)
- What happens will turn out for increased freedom and deliverance
- To live is Christ ( 1:20)
- Do nothing out of selfish ambition ( 2:3)
- Humble yourself ( 2:5)
- God is at work in you ( 2:13)
- Do not complain (2:14)
- Rejoice ( 3:1)
- Watch out for those who will lead you astray
- Put no confidence in the flesh
- What is your profit, lay down and consider it loss for the sake of Christ.
- Be found in him, with a righteousness that is by faith
- Live to know Him, and his power
- You haven’t attained yet, so keep pressing on ( 3:13)
- To press on, forget what is behind, strain to what’s ahead
- Press to the goal of Christ
- All of us, who are mature, should have this view ( 3:15)
ALL Paul really wanted was the mind of Christ on matters of life…there you have it, a different view than most of ours.
Our life is in the GRIP of God, solely for His purpose.
Isn’t it nice to know we are held? Today take such a view of things…and relax, exhale your cares into His arms. Rejoice in the bigger picture, God’s view of things. And, finally pray to have this view of life…Christ in me, for me, with me, and laying hold of me for His purposes daily. Press on sister!
pressing on this 2nd week of June,
Thanks Debbie! Well said.