On my way to the Dr., get a call that is a crisis call, heart begins pounding because I am worried about the caller, I begin a coughing attack that lasts throughout the remainder of my 15 minute drive, leaving me with watering eyes, a headache and still concerned about the crisis call I took.
This wasn’t just any crisis call, but a call from someone I care for and love very much. My heart was heavy. And, while my beating heart remained heavy the Dr. sent me on my way with a bronchitis/ possible walking pneumonia diagnosis, a 5 day RX of super pills and a call to rest.
Trouble is, this call to rest happened on the heels of a trip I was to leave for in just one day. A trip to Tahoe to meet my husband with friends for my first golf adventure outside of my lessons. Cancelled. Bed. Fever. Thinking and Praying for the crisis I knew about. Frustrated. Frustrated. Frustrated.
So goes life. We all know about summer colds, bad phone calls, disappointed dreams and interuppted trips. This is part of life, right?
I admit it is easy to praise God and be chipper when things are going my way. Money in the bank, clothes in the closet, food on the table and enough to keep my little self satisfied and happy. But, it’s the days that are not so great that are the important ones.
Think of a woman on a diet. I can have packaged cookies in my house…no problem. Who cares? No temptation. But, just put a bakery or home-baked goodies in my midst and watch the glutton come out in me. I can’t keep my hands off them, they call out to me day and night…and yes, I eat them up! Tempted. Give in to what I am tempted with. End up disappointed.
The same is true with praising God. I am not tempted to be negative unless things are crazy and challenging. But, just throw me a curve ball and tell me I am to look for good or thank God, and I feel up against the wall. Praise in those settings does not come naturally or comfortably. It is awkward and sometimes feels fake. But, it is an important discipline of the Spirit Filled Journey.
Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praise worthy, think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
Here’s the deal friends.
No matter what you are facing, get your positivity magnifier out and go on a treasure hunt. Look for good, any good, dwell there. Sometimes the good can not be found in things or people and must solely rest on the Good found in God alone.
I am reading, If God is Good, by Randy Alcorn, and he says:
“It seems counter-intuitive to give thanks in suffering, but God commands it and countless people have benefited from it. Getting in touch every day with God’s grace, learning to thank him for the small things, serves us well when we lose big things. It deepens our reservoir and gives us eyes to see God’s faithfulness and blessings at a time when we most need a clear vision.”
Getting in touch with God’s grace? I like how that sounds. I want that. How do I get it? Practice looking for the good. Dwell there. Learn to do it in daily disappointments and when the big hurdles come, then I will be more prepared to walk through them in faith. The same is true for you.
Back to my morning. The good I found and claimed was this: God knew about the fight/crisis of the call I took. He would use it to shape the family involved. He would use it to make them stronger and to change their direction and course. It was hard now, but they needed people praying for them and believing the good of God always in their midst.
As for me, God allowed an interupption to my vacation plans. Bummer! or Blessing? I rested, read, and did things that I usually too busy to do. God is good and His love endures forever.
Things happen to me…so something can happen in me. ( I have been saying this for years and it re-shapes my attitude and calms my fears)
The temptation to let disappointment rule was thwarted by Looking Up and then trying to Live Up in Faith in my circumstance. We are trained one thing at a time, and in the end we become stronger women, filled with more faith, and infused with more power and more love.
Get your magnifier out and look for good today. It is all around, because God is with you always.
Living Up,
“It was good I was afflicted.” Truth. Love you and feel better soon!
Thank you for the encouraging words. I love your quote “Things happen to me…so something can happen in me” Man, if we could only know and trust that God is always doing something.