Going through Philippians also has me in a few study guides and commentaries. One that I am enjoying is a very old one, by a pastor who is now with the Lord.
Press to the Prize, by Avon Malone. So today I am just going to post a quote from his studies, regarding the verse that we are currently on.
“Have this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus….who emptied himself taking on the form of a servant.” Phil 2:5
Avon Malone said, ” He emptied himself and this expression brings the reader to the heart of the “attitude” or “mind” to which Paul points to. What is actually involved in Christ’s self-emptying? At the heart of his self-emptying is something so obvious that it is often overlooked. The total surrender of his will to the will of the Father is the essence of his self-emptying. Not his nature but his will surrendered completely and unconditionally. ” Not my will but thine be done.” Mark 14:36. This is the attitude of self-emptying.”
The results of self-emptying:
- took the form of a servant or slave
- humbled himself
- became obedient
This “mind” means complete surrender to the Father’s will in our lives.
Today stop and think about your life, your present circumstances, your present emotional balance or imbalance. Imagine what it would be like to be emptied of all the “stuff” of the circumstances and all the “pain” of the emotions that suround them. Now, go to the Lord in prayer, even if just briefly, asking Him to show you what it means to be emptied daily of “self” in practical ways that relate to your own life.
Currently, I am going through “stuff”. It is just life change stuff, circumstances radically changing stuff….but my emotions are on the edge from time to time, of slipping down a slope to a pit of depression. But, the things I am going through are not that big of a deal, it’s just that sometimes I just don’t want to “deal” with things. Does anyone relate?
So, I have a need to come before the Father and humble myself before him and realize once again, that my life is not my own. That is the base foundation that I am to build upon each day….It’s not my life, my day or my plan. It is Christ in me, me walking behind following an all wise God, and me learning to lay myself aside.
My feelings? They don’t just go away, but I can give them to Him and He will be with me, help tame the ones that are not healthy, and bring me into more freedom, understanding and healing.
How about you?
Blessings to you this Wedesday, Cinco De Mayo!
(Hey I am really from a line of Sanchez/Chavez!)
with His love,
messages or contact get you in the drawing this week for a Jaymes Reunion CD.
Today God gave me a double dose of the word “daily.”
I read the following statement in my devo this morning:
“How different lives would be, and how much more joyful, if we would stop indulging in self-centered and inward thinking and instead would daily lift our experiences to God, praising Him for them.”
It echoed in me with what you wrote today about being emptied daily of self. To daily surreder my thoughts and feelings for the Father’s will and the joy of serving Him.
Yes Debbie, I can relate to all the “stuff” in life, which causes pain, hurts, anguish, stress and frustrations. Learning how to deal with all of this “stuff” is the challenge and it brings me humbly before God. Thank you for showing me how to do this. Love You! God bless!