It has been said that attitude determines altitude. If I had to testify to anything, I think this would be the thing I could say…tried the attitude test and it works at making my perspective different, completely different. So, many different times, in many different situations I have worked at training myself to have a better attitude than I would have if not paying attention.
Today, the passage in Philippians begins with attitude, but it is not the “good attitude” type of thing, it’s a transformational attitude that we are to be aware of and copy.
I have always thought that copying was fake. But, in reality the best compliment we can give someone is to copy something they do. As we look at this passage, just think…we are praising God, showing him love, or complimenting His Majesty, when we copy Him!
Philippians 2: 5-11
” Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus; Who, being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Let’s unpack….
- He made himself nothing, though He was everything
- He took on, put on intentionally, the nature of a servant
- He humbled himself and obeyed God
- He surrendered to anything that was God’s will, including death
- Because of this, God exalted him
As I read this, I think of the Wild book, and the teachings I just spent the weekend doing on it. The entire theme of that book, is wouldn’t it be WILD if I lived Less of Me, and More of Jesus? And, wouldn’t it be WILD if I really followed, really obeyed, and really learned to walk in the Spirit and God’s power?
Now, I look at this passage, and ponder….wouldn’t it be WILD if I did not let labels, good or bad, define me, but rather let the fact that I was created BY GOD and FOR GOD define my life and attitude? Because if I was defined by that, then I would take on a new attitude of surrender, following, and the attitude of…”Jesus today I want to say Yes to you. Jesus today I want to obey what you are calling me to obey you in.”
Yes, my friends, that would be a new attitude, a real adjustment, wouldn’t it?
I am in this mind frame on really good days, but I want to copy the attitude of Christ Jesus, and live this way, in a new attitude no matter what the day is…good, bad, or in between.
One thing is for sure…Some day I will see him face to face, but in the meantime, there is life to live and I need His strength, power and guidance to live it. And, I need the attitude of Christ Jesus, the servant emptying of self, to pulse through my thoughts and actions.
How about you?
Think of the Word today…process, turn over, digest and pray that God make it part of you.
loving you in Him,
I am hearing amazing stories of women’s attitudes and lives changing through working through the message in the Wild Book. Tell others, lets start a movement of women who want to decrease so Christ increases in us! Want to start a group and study the book in your area? If you contact me personally I will be happy to give you an amazing group discount on the books!!!!!!! I want women everywhere to be WILD about following after the God who created them, and women everywhere to be WILD about a living loved as His.
This week’s drawing, Jaymes Reunion CD. leave a comment or your name.
I read your book, Deeper, this summer and am still learning from it. I’ve just discovered your website and am excited to read Wild because I can see that is so where I am right now – wanting to live more in His power! Just reading your blog post today reminds me of something God taught me recently in the metaphor of a lava lamp as I was still struggling to cope with being new in him but still sinning. This is what I had journaled that resonated in your words, too:
“I am like a lava lamp…
Our journey with God is not linear and neither is our “success” at “being Christian…” Sometimes God is big in me. Sometimes I am big in me. That has a lot to do with how surrendered I am or not … “instead of redoubling our own efforts, simply embrace what the Spirit is doing in us.” Romans 8:4 (MSG)”
thanks for the blog today. i’m going to get my wild book out and re-read and study it. i know that more of god and less of me certainly changes my attitude, my responses and my actions in situations, esp those that are difficult.