The coffee spilled across the new upholstered chair, your toddler smeared food all over the freshly painted wall, you husband is being difficult, your friends are not there when you need them, the Dr. just gave you a bad report…and you stepped on the scale to 5 extra pounds!
This is an exaggerated run down of what life can look like, all in one short hours time. Then we go to Bible study and try to cram the Truth into us, making it relate to our “real” toddler smearing, 5 extra pounds, type of day…and we are not sure how to make that happen, or what daily spiritual focus looks like this side of Heaven.
The apostle Paul’s life makes ours look pretty good. And, yet, he had a focus that kept him sane and spiritual. What made him different?
It’s that moment by moment surrender and that constant pulling back to an upward focus that characterized Paul. For him, to live, really was Christ and that made life different. His focus was upward. He speaks of that upward, fixing your gaze in a certain direction, type of thing, over and over.
Going about the day, doing the things of the day, and reverting focus back to the Lord many times in the process. This is what LOOKING UP is.
- Lord, it’s only a chair, help me with my frustration.
- Lord, be with my husband and help me to be patient right now.
- Lord, you know I don’t have time to clean this wall, stretch my time so that I handle this mess.
- Lord, I am disappointed with my friends, I look to you, I commit this to you
- Lord, I know that carbs pack on the pounds for me, give me the self control to pull back and get this weight off!
- Lord I am afraid of what the Dr. is telling me, help me to trust you to guide me through this diagnosis and treatment.
Only when we are Looking Up! and reverting our heart and mind on Him, can we have the next attitude that we see Paul teach and display,
Philippians 1:27
“Whatever Happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.”
Note: It doesn’t say… when life is good, conduct yourselves… Or, when people treat you right, conduct yourselves….The message is very clear,
WHATEVER HAPPENS, we are to conduct ourselves a certain way.
conduct: to direct the course of, to behave or act in a certain way.
Whatever happens we are to behave in a way that is worthy of the gospel of Christ, or whatever happens we are to behave in a way that lines up to the truth in the gospel. We can not behave a certain way, if our minds are directed otherwise. If we are looking down, spiraling out it self-focus we can not conduct ourselves in a way that honors God…because we will just be living out the day in self. This is why focus and focused living is so important.
A= Life can be hard
B= God is working the hard for greater good in us
C= Behave accordingly, looking up, trusting God no matter what the current circumstances are.
Now, today….let those 2 words, Whatever Happens, speak truth to you about your life, your attitude, and your current circumstance.
Looking Up on this Friday April 23rd!
Last day to send a comment or a message letting me know you are reading, and want to be included in the prize drawing for this week! I will be drawing a name tommorrow and sending out goodies on Monday!
This ties in so beautifully with what God has been teaching me about practicing His presence in the PRESENT. He is Immanuel, God with us, and nothing can ever ever change that. Oh, what a wonderful Savior:)
Thank you for your blog and for how you love so many with the heart of Jesus:) I love you Debbie!!!
Oh to be “sane and spiritual” woohoo! To let the living water inside us spring forth and shower us like a fountain! As your blog describes, life can definately be draining but we serve a God who can put a skip in our step, JOY in our soul, and love in our heart! Have a wonderful day Debbie….filled with blessings beyond belief!
Oh Debbie what a week—
As you know I had surgery last Friday which sent me into surgical menapause and at the age of 32 this was a GREAT shock to my body. Since Saturday I have been extremely agitated where it felt like my blood was boiling and I was going to rip someones head off and Sunday I woke up to an infection in the surgical site that caused horrible pain. I had to wait until Thursday to see the OBGYN to discuss the agitation and look at the infection. I received a call mid morning on Wednesday from our son’s school letting me know I needed to come pick him up since he was suspended for 5 days. This is his 3rd suspension in 3 months and the next time will result in a request for expulsion. Last night I had a horrendous break out of hives which all started do to menapause. Oh yes it’s been one CRAZY week!!!!
But before you say “oh my” I am not one to sit on the pity pot! I actually see and praise God for the amazing things he does through out everyone of these times. First I was extremely blessed the MD was able to go through my belly button since 4 months ago he had to open me up through my abdominal area with a 6 inch cut. Second all I experienced of surgical menapause was the extreme agitation and we were able to double my effexor until I got into see the MD. Third he didn’t have to clean the infection since it was superficial and will be able to heal on it’s own. Forth, we lowered my hormone levels and I am doing fabulous. Fifth, we are a blended family and our oldest has been having a very hard time since being diagnosed with ADD and his mom left rehab to go back to the streets and crystal meth but he now realizes he needs professional help. The counselor we wanted him to see had a waiting list of 20+ other kids but after talking to the vice principal he is going to start seeing him next Thursday at 10am. Last our babysitter Aimee Matas came over and help me while my husband Ryan had to work at night.
All week long I have soaked myself in God’s word, closed my eyes and sat with his amazing promises. I didn’t lose any sleep this week, I didn’t worry about any of it. It’s God amazing love and his incredible ways of making everything beautiful that got me through this week nothing else. He truly blows me away each and every time.
Thank You Debbie for your encouraging words during this “wilderness” time in my life.
Your words today spoke “life” to my heart, Debbie, as the Lord showed me to “look up” to Him and not “de feet- defeat”. Yes, life can be hard…often, and yes, God IS working and shaping me, if I truly surrender and allow Him to, so truly focusing on HIM IS the key for looking up and finding our strength, hope and help in Jesus. Thank you so much for the encouraging words today!
hi debbie, i was just reading today’s blog when my sister called. she received some upsetting news about her prenancy. we talked for a while about her fears and concerns. she has an appt on monday am with a specialist for more testing and to get more information. in the meanwhile, i encouraged her to try to let some of the worry go, to lean on God, and she believes that it is all up to Him. i don’t know how people get through the tough stuff without faith. please keep rita in your prayers. sheli
Thanks Debbie for reminding me to always look up and surrender to God. The last few years it seems like a snow ball effect of bad things happening in my life. My Dad died in 2007. My Grandma (Very Godly women) died in 2008 a month after my aunt age 58 died. Just recently we had to short sale our house. We owe taxes, I have put thousands of dollars of repairs in my car. ANd I worry about it needing repairs again. my savings is low… But, we have our jobs, health and two beautiful daughters, and a Wonderful son in law. I give my worries to Jesus, and ask to hear his voice and not satan’s lies. I will look up to my lord and savior today.
God bless