Do you ever just want to scream? Tired of trying to figure it out? Well, rather than just trying to cook up a plan of action, may I encourage you to quit pulling out your hair, and pull up a chair and put all your cares out before the God who made you, loves you, and at this very moment is working IN you.
This week as we continue to learn from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we will be looking at some practical things that will help advance us in our faith walk. We can find real life nuggets that will advance us in dealing with our trials and circumstances of today. The teachings of Paul, though from long ago, are relevant to our choices and reactions in our “real worlds” 2010.
Today’s Key Points: Eagerly Expect and Sufficient Courage
Lets keep in mind that Paul was in prison awaiting trial. The trial was based around his faith in Jesus Christ and the fact that he could not get a fair shake with the Jews in Jerusalem, so he appealed his case( Acts 25:11 ) to Caesar. That is why he is a prisoner in Rome awaiting a hearing with the Emperor.
In our individualized culture of today, it seems so unfair to think that someone had to have a hearing to get them out of trouble for professing their faith. We are used to people believing a menu of different things. We are tolerant as a culture, yet, in the tolerance of so many “other” ways, some of us have lost that Wild Faith that Paul and the early Christians had. They were passionate and alive in their faith in Christ Jesus.
It is because of this fresh passion and life, that Paul’s attitude was different than ours might be in the fire of a trial or the binding chains of our daily problems.
Philippians 1: 20
“I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or death.”
Paul saw through a lens of remarkable perspective. Paul affirms that his “bad” situation, his chains, were not really “bad” but “good”. He was saying that the thwartings had become thoroughfares. The difficulties had become doors. What looked adverse and seemed so, was going to turn out to advance the gospel.
Ralph Parlette in his book, The University of Hard Knocks said, ” It’s not the size of the bump, but the attitude of the bumpee that determines whether we are made bitter or better.” Paul had mastered the attitude of the “bumpee.” There is much more involved than simply mastering positive thinking. There is a mind set that comes from a heart set…God is at work. Convinced of this, Paul can see that his providence in circumstances are working for the good.
It is from Philippians 1:19-20, coupled with Romans 8:28-29, that I got my personal , ” Things happen to me, so that something can happen in me.” I can not tell you how much repeating this in the heat of the battles in my life, has helped me. How does it help? It refocuses me. It gets my attention off of me, my hurts, my pain…and gets my focus redirected to God’s purpose in my life and in the bigger picture of God’s plan.
Paul believed, that is why he eagerly expected. To expect is to change our focus and expectation, it is a directed focus in the way of where we believe our help will come. He expected from God and knew his supply would come from God. He believed, as should we, that God will give us sufficient courage in each trial, as we look to Him.
Today, don’t “just think” about looking to God. Stop, and pray. Acknowledge your need for Him in the middle of your situation. Ask Him to have his work in you while you wait for the end result. As you live ” in the meantime” ask God to help your unbelief.
It’s Monday. Let’s live our week Looking Up and Expecting God is always working in us.
it is fitting to praise the Lord, ( Psalm 33)
PS. Free Book and Jewlery Give Away. Yes that is right. I am giving away a WILD book and a scripture bracelet to one of my blog friends this week. How do you enter? leave a note for me, it will include your email address. I will draw from the names on Friday and email you for your address. Your note can just say “hi” or you can comment on life “in the meantime” I will not publish any note that you do not want published. But, tell a friend, get your name in….
okay, I want to win – there’s always someone I can give a WILD book too! Plus, you must admit, I am a faithful commenter so I should get bonus points or something 🙂
Hi Debbie – I look forward to your blogs daily. It is so nice to be reminded of God’s word. Thank you for sharing and for being so honest.
This was one of my favorite verses to discover when you taught the Philippians study at Cornerstone. For Paul to “eagerly expect and hope” means to me that he was doing something active and positive while in prison. He wasn’t just passively sitting in jail waiting for the worst to happen. Prayerfully I want to follow Paul’s example of expectation, belief, and courage. But, can I scream first?
I started reading your BLOG the last couple of days. I really am enjoying your writings about Paul. I look forward to reading more. I also want to say what a blessing the Woman’s Ministry has been to me the last few months. I started the Beth Moore bible study in January, and am now attending the Spring Bible Study. I’m very excited to attend the Design 4 Living Conference. I just want to be obiediant and continue to Grow in Christ. I pray he will continue to heal my hurts, and Break my chains of Bondage. I am so thankful that God’s love Endures Forever!!
Thank you Soooo! Much for you Ministry.
Bless you 🙂
Debbie, As always thanks for bringing the word alive and your Godly insight and discernment.
I left a message yesterday, but it must not have taken. I just wanted to thank you for the Women’s ministry. I started the Beth Moore Bible study in January, and now am attending the Spring session. I have been blessed so much. I just want to continue to Grow in Jesus. I have started to read your BLOG, and am really enjoying it. I look forward to it everyday.
THank you for your love for Jesus, and I am so thankful that Jesus’s Love endures forever.
I Praise God that in Him, I am “enough”..
May God richly Bless your week!
To coin a phrase: “Live like its real, because it IS”
Thks Debbie, just what I needed to hear. Blessings
This is the first day I started reading your blog Debbie and I am so blessed by it! Thank you soooo much for sharing. I will look forward to reading it daily! 🙂