As we continue our walk through the verses of Philippians, we now see Paul beginning to launch in to instruction for living. Interestingly he begins with how we live towards other people. Not surprisingly though, being Jesus himself taught the two important kingdom principles were to Love Him, and Love Others.
But, in the real life of a woman, if we get our buttons pushed, watch out! Or how about when we are hormonal, having a bad day, wearing a bad attitude?
What about the all too familiar female competitive nature that we don’t want to admit, but know brews within us? What if another person gets promoted and we don’t? What if she gets the guy and we don’t? What is she has more than us, is more talented than us, is prettier than us? What if she has it more together and I feel “less than” around her?
And, heaven forbid we are not included in an activity, not invited to a gathering or a woman delete us from facebook or doesn’t write on our walls as much as she writes on others! What if…..
How we view and respond to others are real life considerations. Are we living the Kingdom Life in our interaction and attitude towards other people? Or are we always too concerned for ourselves?
Paul stated his condition, ( in chains) proclaimed the promise of a purpose in his suffering, ( it will turn out for my deliverance) and affirmed his mission statement…To live is Christ.
Now, he will spend the rest of the letter like a good coach, showing the believers in Philippi how to live, in real life. Interestingly he begins by how they live towards one another.
Whether you are single, married, widowed or divorced, you have a need to learn how to walk out life in a way that honors Christ. You don’t get a “pass” for being hormonal, cranky, or too busy…and neither do I. So, lets continue with our walk through the lines of his letter to the friends he loved and see what we can learn.
Philippians 2:1-4
“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Four power packed verses. That speak loud and clear.
I can only say one thing…. and it’s shouting at me….consider others ! Look out for others! Don’t just think about yourself!
Whoa! This is wild, courageous type of thinking. The culture we live in does not follow this plan. I am supposed to look out for ME. But Paul is teaching us, as a good coach would….IF you have received anything from Christ, then show you received it by how you live towards others.
- Like mindedness
- Love
- Being one in spirit and purpose
- Humility
- Considering them better than you in a Christ centered way
- Looking out for them and their welfare
How do I consider others?
Sometimes our general female stuff gets in the way, doesn’t it? Not that it should, but it does. We can consider others if they have been considering us.
In the book, So Long Insecurity, Beth Moore surveyed men about women, and this is a quote from what she found:
“In tandem with our insecurities about appearance, many of the men mentioned our painfully obvious propensity to compare ourselves to other women. They catch us literally sizing each other “up one side and down the other,” especially if we feel threatened. One guy summed it up this way: Most obvious is when women are around other women; they try to size each other up and look for reasons to not get along rather than to get along. They seem easily intimidated, whether by physical beauty, character status, or whatever makes them feel that the other woman has more going for her, and a barrier goes up.”
Have your inner barriers gone up towards others? Are you looking for reasons not to get along? Are you easily intimidated? Think about this today.
Insecurity is pride, because it makes our life all about US. Paul was teaching to make our life about Christ and others…and that is the humility that Paul was showing them how to live in.
(And, by the way, Beth’s new book is excellent!)
Seeking His Kingdom in my daily life and yours,
Hey, I am loving the comments and interaction.
Good morning! Oh I so needed this today!!! It’s one of my son’s bdays today and it’s been a surgical menapause type of day since I woke up! I couldn’t shake the sadness that I felt in my heart knowing I was grouchy and it would effect Josh on his bday! Than I read this and remembered God gives me a second chance (taking pizza into his class today to celebrate), than he gives me a 3rd chance after school, he also gives me a 4th chance this evening at his family bday party. 3/4 times with my attitude being Christ like is great! Thanks for helping me remember that I have a choice to just have my sour attitude be 1/4 vs 2/4, 3/4, 4/4…. God blessed me and so many others with an amazing 11 year old boy that adores Christ. What an awesome thing to celebrate!!!
Yes Lynette! And how sad it is when WE get in the way of doing for others what would bless them and honor God. Funny thing is, IF and WHEN we get out of the way, like you are choosing to do, we are the ones most blessed. So here’s to you making the right choice, one at a time, no matter what you FEEL like doing.
You Go and be a Great Mom today in Christ!
“Insecurity is pride, because it makes our life all about US.” Thank you for this. I have felt insecure about my size for years. I felt if I were smaller then all would be well. “I’ll be who I should be…then” was the inner dialog. However, the one time I did get “thin” I tried to kill myself. (1987)I’ve come a long way since that point but my weight continues to be a “wight” around my spirit as it is around my hips. Keeping me from reaching back to reconnect with old friends and preventing me from reaching forward to make new ones.
Until today I have never heard it put quiet like you put it. It’s pride. I have been keeping a closer relationship with Jesus at arms length because of my insecurity….thank you for a change in focus. God’s blessing to you and yours, Laura Vasquez
Dear Laura,
You are beautiful because you were created in the image of God, and His Spirit lives in you. You are an image bearer! It has nothing to do with our looks, size, abilities. I hear ya, sister! But, once and for all we need to put the enemy under foot in this area that causes way too many women to be self-focused.
You are loved.
Debbie, Will we have the opportunity to hear Beth Speak on her book “Insecurity”. I know it was offered at a church in Pleasanton, unfortunetly i wasn’t able to go. I will defiently buy the book. I struggle with my own insecurities. Thank you for sharing.
Yes, most of us struggle with this Marissa. And, Beth’s book is very good. The simulcast was good too.
I will be doing a study in the Fall on God’s Love for us and understanding that love. Stay tuned, God’s love at the core of us is the answer to our fears of not being enough.
About 6 weeks ago I went to a women’s retreat in the San Bernadino Mountains…..It was wonderful, I didn’t know ANYONE and got to room by myself and spend an amazing time with the Lord. It was with Daily Disciples. On Saturday night we were given a small piece of paper as we entered the lecture hall. At the end of Bobbye and Tonnilee’s talk, we were told to ask the Lord “What do I need to nail to the Cross”?……….I was having such a difficult time “thinking” of which thing it may be! The problem I now realize is that I WAS THINKING, I WAS NOT LISTENING……So me…..When I finally focused on what he wanted to say to me….I heard it loud and crystal clear……..Self Righteousness…….OOOUUCCHH…..I began to sob to myself as the shock of my blindness overtook me………He is continuing to scrape the scales from my eyes……..AND THIS WAS a real scale scraper! Insecurity is PRIDE! WOW…..I guess I’m the most prideful and insecure person I know! Why do w believe the lies???? And we believe them SO READILY to boot! I KNOW I am being changed from GLORY TO GLORY for HIS GLORY…….And that is my focal point from now until eternity…..That I allow him to rid me of myself for HIM, and for others……..Thank you sister, see you soon! I love you dearly….Bettina
OH! Also, why can I no longer post these to my profile!!! My peeps need these!
I am not sure…..I haven’t heard anyone else having a problem. Maybe you can just say , Go to the Design4Living Devo blog today and then, click on link, and put the blog address in
Hope that helps, let me know.
I will be there! I bought the Beth’s book “so long insecurity” A few days ago. Very Good!! It’s one I will read again, and can’t wait to pass on to my daughters, and friends.