As we continue to walk with Paul through his letter to the Philippians we see that after he expresses his love for them and commits to praying for them, he begins to tell his story.
What’s his story? Thrown into jail, locked in chains…yet still using all that is happening to him to teach faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He believed, as should be our hearts goal, that all things happened for a divine purpose. He believed, even in chains, that God was still with him and working.
Philippians 1:12
“Now I want you to know brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.”
A little background from Acts 25:11 tells us the account of what happened, and the exercise of one of the privileges of Roman citizenship and to receive fair treatment, Paul appealed his case to Caesar. As a result, he is a prisoner in Rome awaiting a hearing with the Emperor when he writes Philippians.
Paul was able to see all that had happened with remarkable perspective. Paul affirms that what has happened isn’t bad, but that it is good. All the thwarting of the enemy and people have become thoroughfares for God to work in him. The difficulties have become doors. What seemed to be adverse was working to advance the gospel!
Where are you at today? What life circumstance feels like it has you locked up in chains? Do you have the perspective that the adversity can actually be a spiritual advance in your life? I know that is not our normal response. But, it would be amazing if it was. Much of life is about perspective. Paul teaches us alot about perspective. When our eyes of faith are in focus, life looks different.
Are you seeing through eyes of faith today? If you are, you will realize that even set backs and hardships will work for good in the end result.
Are you seeing through eyes of emotional response today? If you are, you will not be able to see any good in the hard areas of your life.
I encourage you, as I remind myself, to live with a focus on how big God is. So big that he holds us together and works everything to conform to the purpose of His will.
closing verse to hold on to:
Ephesians 1:11
“In him we have been chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.”
- You are chosen, His child, His treasure, His woman
- You are not your own
- You life has predestined purpose
- God is at work according to His plan for your life
- Because of the plan, even negatives are good in the end
- God is conforming your life to His
- God is powerful above any person or any thing
- Your mission is to bring the Father glory
- We glorify Him as we put our Faith in Him and submit to His work in Us
Looking up this Tuesday Morning!
Join me, putting faith that there is purpose in every chained place of life.
with love,
stop by and say hello. Click on title and leave a comment or a prayer request, or a question. I love to hear from you!
Hello! 🙂 Feel better soon!
Debbie! First of all, I ADORE you…..miss you so much! We are doing a study in phillipians right now too! Its a Grace Cabalka study….very practical and applicable. Praying for the retreat, cant wait 🙂 Love, Bettina p.s. I love that we all always have different takes on the scriptures……that its REALLY alive and breathing different things into us at different periods or seasons of our lives! I always love the way the Lord speaks to you…..Thank you SO much for your obedience to him Debbie, he blesses us so through you 🙂