We continue our walk through Philippians…
Things were not pretty. In chains, jailed. Life could have been better, others responded by using this time to take advantage. Paul Looked Up! He set his attention somewhere besides the dismal surroundings, the discouragement of heart or the drama that surrounded him. He believed and rejoiced, in the worst of times. I am good at rejoicing in the best of times, but not so much so when things get me down, lets continue to discover the how and why of Paul’s perspective in hard times.
Philippians 1:18-20
“Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage...”
Yesterday we saw that Paul’s response about the bad behavior and ulterior motives of people was to rejoice, and today he says he will CONTINUE to rejoice. And, why IS that?
He is confident that his friends are praying for him and he is confident that the Spirit of Jesus Christ is helping him in this trial. But, most importantly He believes that because of Christ and the help of the Spirit, this problem will turn out for his deliverance! In other words this bad stuff will lead to better stuff.
Here lies one of the mysteries of our Christian journey. The bad stuff in life is hard and we would rather not have any of it, but it is this very bad stuff that we protest against that God uses in our lives, and through the help of the holy Spirit, we come out better and experience deliverance from self and freedom from our overflow of self focus.
I think Paul’s secret is basic. He really believed. Whether in hard stuff, good stuff or non-descript stuff, Paul believed Christ and the Spirit of Christ was always at work within him. So that is why he could say, “what does it matter?” And that is why he could say, “what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.” He was saying …what has happened will turn out for my good, we can see a flavor of Romans 8:28 in there, can’t we?
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
What is your story today? Do you remember a time that seemed BAD and good turned it to BETTER? I would like to hear your story. And, if you comment, sending it, let me know if I can post it for the blog readers.
For today think on this:
What is happening in my life will always turn out for my deliverance, as I put my life in His hands, and my heart in His hold.
Thursday Blessings!
Hi Debbie, thanks for your blog 15th April, trusting God with the bad stuff. Having a difficult day today in trusting God, feel rejected by people I love the most within the church, its hard and don’t know how to deal with it all. I feel like walking away and giving it all up, thinking whats the point when I’ve trid so hard. I’m trying very hard to trust God in this and beleiving that He will turn it around for the good. Please pray that I will know what to do, that I will look to Him and know the truth.
It is hard when we are hurt in churches and by believers. It seems to hurt so much more than being hurt by people who are not of the faith. The trouble lies in where our focus ends us. We usually get so frustrated and hurt that we want to turn from God, when His people hurt us. But, remember, it’s not God, but man. People are not perfect, have their own issues, and hurt other people…Just like you and I do. It helps me to recall, that God is working in me through the times of personal relational attack. I have been through the wringer over the years, with people who love God! And, in the end, I realize over and over, that God himself is using the very fire of trial I am in, to burn away my need for other’s to approve of me. In that fire, I also learn over and over again, that God desires me to Look Up to him and learn how to love, even when treatment seems unfair. Is it easy? No. But we will keep circling the same troubles until we get our focus upward and our hearts open to whatever it is God is trying to do in US. Many blessings as you trust God in your current situation. Look Up, and don’t just think about praying…PRAY. The God who hears will supply help.
Hi Debbie.. hope you find your Peace for your week abiding in absolute surrender to Jesus!
My comment is for Lyn.. my heart is hugging her right now.. I will be praying for God to walk closely beside her as she walks though this time of “wilderness”.
Your Sister in Christ..