This week God spoke to me in many ways. I think the thing that stands out the most is the continued reminder that sometimes God leads me into the wilderness, the desert places, or the trial that I am not happy about. Last year was horrible for me. But, through it, God has brought me to the other ... READ the POST
Weekend Random Thoughts
Considering others
As we continue our walk through the verses of Philippians, we now see Paul beginning to launch in to instruction for living. Interestingly he begins with how we live towards other people. Not surprisingly though, being Jesus himself taught the two important kingdom principles were to Love Him, and ... READ the POST
Activated Belief
Hello friends, let's continue with our walk through Philippians. In jail himself, yet concerned for the church, Paul writes instructively to help them through the practical things they were facing. He didn't slap a happy sign on them and tell them to stop worrying and be happy, but instead taught ... READ the POST
Living a Life Not Based in Fear
When Life Happens, and situations do not add up to "a happy place" we can easily find ourselves deeply entrenched in places of fear, insecurity and doubt. In the heat of our emotional response to things, we often find ourselves reacting in ways that have to be retracted later! Anyone with me on ... READ the POST
How do you conduct yourself when life happens?
Last Week's Prize Winner is...Shelli Sneddon! Today you will be sent a gift from Design4Living! And, today as your name was drawn you were prayed for. Last week we left with Whatever Happens... Say that out loud, WHATEVER HAPPENS, DOT, DOT, DOT! We can not control many of the things that we end up ... READ the POST
Whatever Happens
The coffee spilled across the new upholstered chair, your toddler smeared food all over the freshly painted wall, you husband is being difficult, your friends are not there when you need them, the Dr. just gave you a bad report...and you stepped on the scale to 5 extra pounds! This is an ... READ the POST
To Live is Christ
Computer problems! That is what has kept me from keeping up with the devotional blog this week. Yesterday, I went to an office store and headed strait to the computer department and asked a million and one questions. Fortunately the guy helping me knew what he was talking about and was able to ... READ the POST
Sufficient Courage
Do you ever just want to scream? Tired of trying to figure it out? Well, rather than just trying to cook up a plan of action, may I encourage you to quit pulling out your hair, and pull up a chair and put all your cares out before the God who made you, loves you, and at this very moment is working ... READ the POST
Trusting God with the Bad Stuff
We continue our walk through Philippians... Things were not pretty. In chains, jailed. Life could have been better, others responded by using this time to take advantage. Paul Looked Up! He set his attention somewhere besides the dismal surroundings, the discouragement of heart or the drama that ... READ the POST