Good Morning!
This morning I woke up thinking about the women at Little Country Church in Redding, CA. Their Women’s Bible Study Group is just completing the study of He is My All, and I’m wondering how their lives will be different after spending 10 weeks concentrating on the subject of God’s Faithful Love towards them as individuals.
Personally, when I remember and recall to mind the love of God for me as an individual, it refreshes me, gives me strength for the day, and lots of hope for whatever the future brings. It assures me that God is in my future, so I can rest in His presence and His love for me.
But, I forget and overlook this basic truth, just like anyone else. The days , when I remember, think about it, repeat it, let the truth of it penetrate me…I am different. That is what happened with Psalm 136 this past week, as I shared in yesterday’s post.
I was UNDER the winds of change, but remembering that His Love Endures Forever, brought me UP and OUT into a place of joy and freedom.
But today is a NEW Day. I need refreshing every NEW DAY. Where are you at today on the subject of His Love for YOU? Are hard things crowding the truth out? Check out this verse:
Psalm 119:25-29 Living Bible
” I lie in the dust completely discouraged; revive me by your word. I told you my plans, and you answered. Now teach me your principles. Help me understand the meaning of your commandments, and I will meditate on your wonderful miracles. I weep with grief; encourage me by your word. Keep me from lying to myself; give me the privilege of knowing your law.”
We all try to be revived by “things” other than God. Do we think if we can be distracted that the problems will go away? For me it’s easier to pick up the phone and yak it out with a friend, or go get an ice cream or cookie. It’s easy to be distracted from life when I am in a shopping mall looking at all the beautiful new things. I often try in vain to be revived…through people, things, and any form of distraction. And though a temporary distraction is often good, it can not meet the need of a deeper heart discouragement or a deeper life problem. The truth of God’s love, like an annointing balm, penetrates and relaxes the worry muscle that stiffens up in our minds. We just have to remember to go to it, let it have it’s work, trust in Truth.
I am encouraging each of us to remember, as His Women, that God desires to use His Word to revive us, His Truth to free us, and His Power to change us.
We may be UNDER but He is showing us how to live as Overcomers! Life will always have things, challenges, griefs, disappointments. Are you and I going to let those rule over our days? If we do, we will be in the dust completely discouraged.I am not a fan of dirt in my teeth, so I don’t like this option.
Today go to Psalm 136 again, read it aloud, think of what it is saying about the power and might of God, and what it promises YOU. Once again take your list of “things” that are troubling or challenging and add the promise,
His Love Endures Forever!
From He is My Freedom, recap of lesson 5: ( bullet point truths)
- God is the Father of mercies
- God is the God of all comfort.
- He comforts me so that I can comfort others.
- I can find courage when I trust in Christ rather than self.
- Jesus came to give me life.
- Life in Christ is a life of spiritual fullness.
- Christ changes me from the inside out.
- To have courage I must embrace truth.
- To have courage I must let go of the past, and hope for God’s plan in the future.
I sincerely wish for you, my friend, and for myself, that God will make a hunger and desire for His Freeing Word, part of who we are.
Blessings as you live out the day,
PS. And if you are from Little Country Church, I have been praying for you as you have studied, He is My All, and celebrate with you, the Love of God. Now may the truth of it be part of everything you do, and every breath you take.
Debbie…I am from Little Country Church (I helped at your book table when you spoke at our Women’s Conference day) and was a group leader for the He is My All bible study that we just completed last night. Out of a group of 12 ladies, there was a young wife going through divorce, a mother grieving because a son had an affair while on the mission field, a gramma whose 13 yr. old grandson committed suicide during our time together, a daughter who lost her father suddenlly, lots of financial struggles…in other words, a group who really NEEDED to realize the “truth of God’s Love for them.” Thank you for your prayers and thank you for your obedience to share your life and the love of the Father with all of us. We truly won’t be the same.
Wow! Thanks for sharing this. According to the Truth in God’s word, when we begin to grasp the love of God, in Christ Jesus, we WILL NOT be the same. It seems to be the last thing we seek, as it is basic and we are sophisticated 🙂 May God bless you! Thanks for leading those ladies at your church. And, this post lets me know, prayers have been answered!
His love DOES endure forever!
Debbie, I am one of the ladies from LCC and I wanted to share how your study, He Is My All, has impacted my christian walk. I was challengened by your comment that”to remain in Christ is to…be connected to Him.” I am so connected to so many people through technology, but often I neglect the Lover of my soul. I am not remaining and therefore, not renewed nor in a state of rest. So,I made a commitment to my group that I was not going to go on Facebook nor email until I had time to connect with God first. It was a simple, yet profound, step that has been my personalizing of Matthew 6:34 “seeking Him first and letting Him add everything else.” Thank you for your faithfulness. Lori Moretti
I know what you mean with technology! God has led me the same lately. NO tech….until I have lifted my thoughts, life and voice to the Father. It sounds simplistic, but I agree it has a profound impact on the day.
It’s funny how we are all almost addicted to the social stimulation of it all. I want to be addicted to the spiritual stimulation of God’s spirit and blessed by the social interaction of fellowship that is an out pour of that.
Bless you!