Intentional seems to be the operative word for me this morning. Setting my gaze on the Father first thing in the morning is an intentional act of surrender, focusing on a God who is Big and who holds my life.
Think of what Scripture says, ” For everything was created by God and for God, and IN HIM all things are held together.” That is a WOW couple of verses ( Col 1:16-17) Not only is God our maker, and made us On purpose for His purpse, He also holds us together throughout this life. Amazing.
This is the reason for that intentional morning start.
Intentional is defined as: purposeful, voluntary, willful, deliberate, premeditated, planned. The dictionary says that the adjective of the word intentional is: pointing beyond self (
The opposite of intentional is: accidental, impulsive.
So how do you think God wants us to start each day? Impulsive and like it’s an accidental occurance? OR Purposeful and with deliberate focus?
A.W. Tozer on this…
“God takes this intention and makes what allowances He must for the thousand distractions which beset us in this evil world. He knows that we have set the direction of our hearts toward Jesus, and we can know it too, and comfort ourselves with the knowledge that a habit of soul is forming which will become, after a while, a sort of spiritual reflex requiring no more concious effort on our part. While we are looking to God we do not see ourselves–blessed riddance.” Tozer, The Pursuit of God, page 84
Oh…to not see myself…to not worry about me….yes, Blessed Riddance. It starts with an intentional choice. You have been practicing it all week. I would love to hear from you on how an intentional morning connection to the Father has made some difference this week. Send a message!
Happy Friday….
Grace and Peace,
Just saying: good morning my Father, I give my day to you and I give you ME!! makes me excited about getting out of bed. I have no idea what I am in store for but the focus is off of me and on the one who can get me thru ANYTHING with HIS peace, confidence and strenght. I am a BLESSED woman!!