Don’t make an eating plan, an exercise plan, or a goal weight a GOD. Rather commit your way to God, ask Him for His plan for you and then OBEY Him.
It’s hard to get on track physically, so stay with it. Pray about your health choices and allow God to give you, your own plan. There is enough information out there to draw from, but allow the Holy Spirit to customize for you. Keeping in mind that the custom plan might be for today, and could be tweaked again later.
For me, there are two words that help simplify eating these days. Lean and Green. For the most part, Lean Protein and Veggies, needs to be my diet. I didn’t like that answer when the Dr. gave that to me through some medical diagnosis this year. I hated this idea and new plan, and cried ( stupid) over my meal plate for a few weeks.
I had to face that, white foods are not good for me, because I am over 50 and have diabetes in the family history. Sugar, white flour and the yummy foods made with both, are not my friends.
I hated coming to that conclusion, but God is the one who brought me there. Does this mean I never eat them? No. I didn’t eat them at all for a few months, but then God lead me to something called “Carb-Cycling” which means paying attention to carbs, which means that I might not eat them at all 4-5 days and eat them in small moderation on the other days. This has been a balanced approach for me, and is even possible with as much travel as I do.
I feel much better when I am not overloaded with either carbs/sugars or bad fats. I have come to love good fats/ such as olive oil, avocado, nuts! Some days I don’t even desire bread on the days that I have given myself permission to have it. When I do have carbs, they are usually whole wheat.
I used to focus on what I could not eat, and cry. Now I try to focus on what I can eat and maximize that list, allowing for a small portion of treat now and then. But the treat must have some nutritional value (nuts/seeds, pumpkin, oatmeal, low fat dairy) There are many wonderful foods that are healthy for us! Too many to count!
It’s easy to skip the importance of physical health when faced with the joy of ministry and the opportunity to serve Christ in meaniful ways. Whether ministry is a vocation or volunteer position, it’s important not to take our health for granted. The following breakdown was taken from Mad Church Disease, and is the Ellison research of 568 senior pastors. This could apply to anyone who is doing ministry and forgetting about the importance of their own physical health.
“When my husband and I got married in 2003, both of us were right around our ideal weight for our height. We had also started working in ministry that year. Now, I’m not saying that the two are entirely related or that ministry “made” us gain weight, but because we didn’t manage our schedules and plan our meals well, over the course of the next three to four years, we each gained thirty to forty pounds!” Anne Jackson/ Mad Church Disease.
- 71 percent of all ministers are overweight by the average of 32.1 lbs. One third are overweight by 20-25 lbs.
- Two thirds of all ministers skip meals
- 83 percent eat food that they know they shouldn’t
- 50 percent get the recommended minimum of exercise ( 30 min a day/ 3 times a week)
Pray today about a plan specific for you. The Holy Spirit leads us and guides us into all truth, so the Holy Spirit can very specifically lead us to what our body needs and what our personal plan should be.
Today’s Prayer
Father, forgive me for the times that I take my health for granted. I am sorry. Help me to get on track and stay on track. Help me to follow after you by respecting my body as your temple and vessel. Make your way for me known to me.
Holiday Treats
Dryers Grand Light has a holiday ice cream out called PUMPKIN
It has 1/2 the fat and is only 100 calories.
Yoplait Yogurt Parfait in Lemon, is as good as lemon pie, for 100 calories
Atkins Chocolate Granola Bar is a delicious meal replacement
skinny latte ( tall size) are a low cal, good for you treat. Skinny meaning, nonfat, sugar free.
Vanilla Protein shake with some canned pumpkin in it and a dash of pumpkin spice is a delicious pumpkin pie type of treat.
Medifast bars are delicious and really work for me when traveling. I can eat one every 3 hours when it’s impossible for me to get to healthy good food. This also works when shopping and running errands. Each are only 100 cal, and have 11 gram of protein and low sugar grams. They really keep you full and blood sugar balanced. Purchase at a medifast store or online.
It would be interesting here to discuss the sin of gluttony. I think we as believers “accept” some sins within the church (ie-gluttony, gossip as “”prayer requests”, slothfulness and so on) while at the same time, we as an American church generally do not condone sexual sin, for example. I wonder how the heart of God views our acceptance of some of this other acts of the flesh? Thanks for the food for thought this morning (and it’s all calorie free too!:) Love you!
Thank you for the encouragement. I need to treat my body better with less sugar. I will look for the replacements
you have suggested.