Thank God it’s Friday. It represents a happy look forward to some R&R after a long hard week of work. This morning I am thinking of it as a look forward to what God has accomplished in many months of hard for me. Do I know what has been accomplished? No. Not important for me to know. But, what is important is that I KNOW, by faith, that God is always accomplishing something as we draw near to Him and desire to walk closely with Him.
I often forget that He is working. Do you?
The past several months my life has had a theme. God continually has spoken to my heart that “to be overwhelmed is a CHOICE”
I usually say But….Lord…this or that….
He keeps coming back with the single word….CHOICE.
I dared to believe that this was the case and the past several months have challenged myself to keep hanging on to that, and each time, the many times I was tempted to flip out to a state of panic, being overwhelmed, etc…
I kept hearing, “Debbie, Will you Choose ME now?”
Reluctantly I kept choosing His Peace. How silly, it was reluctant on my part. I think that we like to freak out, its more comfortable to us because most of us are pretty good at it. Our friends also are good at cheering us on when we are freaking out, because they understand and do it too. 🙂
I decided to try listening to God’s still small leading….choice, choose me, now, you don’t have to be….you can have peace….I am in control, trust me with this or that, choose….
I have hit the finish line of somethings that have been the cause of all the temptation to stress out. It was several months of a “real test” that began in March with the newly diagnosed heart disease. That little bump in the road threw off my whole life and schedule, pinning everything together in one lump…for one time…
What is it for you? What is your bump in the road or bump in the week that has thrown you off or is tempting to have you freak out?
You can choose His peace today. T.G.I.F.
Thank God It’s Father!
And our Heavenly Father Knows What We need. It’s the Father calling us, leading us into Good for us. Thank God we have a Father, and Thank God It’s the Father who is our source of strength, hope and peace.
Today’s Truth: Matthew 6:31
“So do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? Or What shall we wear? For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.”
There is a God in Heaven, He is our Heavenly Father, Thank God He Knows what we need. We don’t have to stress, worry, panic or be overwhelmed.
It is a choice.
May the peace…..
and rest…..
Of God, be yours.
In your mind, your heart and your attitude
Exodus 33:14 And He said, “My presence shall go {with you,} and I will give you rest.”
I love that if we but stay in His presence we will find rest.
Seems so simple doesn’t it??? but…..
live a great day of faith and remember
keep chasing righteousness!
Thank you, Debbie, this is just what I needed this morning. Choose God! Trust God. Live for God. May He bless you with a wonderful weekend in Tahoe. I know the ladies will be blessed by your being there and sharing your wonderful faith and our Wonderful God. Wish I could be there too. 🙂