Crash, Ouch, Tears, What just happened? And Why?
Those were my reactions late last night while going into the kitchen to catch a phone call. Once I got over the shock and the immediate pain of the fall, the longer lasting pain began to set in. As I sit and blog this morning I am operating like a very old and physically broken woman.
How do things like this happen on a normal Monday evening in your own home?
Well…Someone left the dishwasher door all the way open, so it was laying flat open in a kitchen walkway. The lights were off and I had no idea the door was open. The phone rang late at night and as I ran from the living room to the phone in the dark kitchen, I flipped over the open door, fell, squished into the corner and really hurt myself.
This morning as my badly bruised body is moving very slowly, I am thinking of the lesson in the middle of the situation. Immediately I am thinking of walking in the dark and stumbling about. The Bible likens our lack of love and hatred to something that causes us to stumble in the dark.
Today’s Truth 1 John 2:9
Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing to make him stumble. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness, he does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded him.
When the Bible speaks of walking in the dark and stumbling about through life, many of us can not relate to that because we see the step ahead of us and seem to be doing “just fine.” Last night I got the picture of what stumbling in the dark might look like and the very real injury and damage it could cause. As in most things in our practical life, we can learn a very real object lesson from the things around us.
As much as the fall hurt, it was a valuable teaching tool in the reality of how being in the dark and stumbling in the dark can really hurt us….possibly for days, weeks, months, years.
What makes us hate others? I know that hate sounds awful and like something we, as good Christian women do not partake in, but my friends, to hate simply means to “love less” than what God has called us to. So let’s just say, that when we do not love others, we are in the dark, and are vulnerable to falls, hurts, dings, bruises, flips, broken hearts, lives, families, churches!
My mind turns to un-forgiveness because it is the subject of this week’s WILD lesson in the Different Kind of Wild Class. ( chapter 6 Wild Women Forgive and Make Peace)
One of the reasons we remain in love LESS relationships with people is because we are harboring unforgiveness in our hearts. Someone crossed us, talked about us, hurt us…whatever the cause, unforgiveness towards that person got tucked into the corner of our hearts, and it is making us dark. Watch out, the darkness is ready to make you fall, hurt yourself, and the hurt might not go away overnight!
Whoa! But…But……that person…..I have ever right to…
Yep! in your flesh and living for yourself you have every right to….
But, as a woman holy to the Lord your God, set apart for Him, your right to yourself is nailed on the cross, or turned over to the Father. Your right now is a “right” to responsibility to live as one belonging to Him.
So Today, when you want to say “But…” Look Up and say ” What Lord? What?”
And, in your little daily things like spilled milk and bad falls, crying babies and cranky husbands…..look up and say, ” What is the lesson in this Lord? What is my parable for the day?” He will teach you lessons in unexpected places.
Gotta go, my bruises and sore muscles are making it very hard to sit up at my computer. Have a blessed day!
Today’s Prayer
Lord, I come to you looking for life lessons in every day. Teach me your way. Give me parables that relate to my life, your love and Biblical truth. May I pass the lessons learned on to my children, their children, and all I meet. May I always ask you to make yourself BIG in me and me Little in me. I want more of you Jesus. More of you. Come Lord Jesus, invade my heart, mind, and life today. Show me if there is any unforgiveness in me, and teach me how to work it out of me. I desire to walk in the LIGHT.
Thank you Debbie, for this profound lesson! I pray that you heal quickly, Dear Friend, and am glad your retreat went well. Oh yes, thank you for this blog!! K:)
Ouch! No more running in the dark! Hope you feel better soon!
Thnanks Debbie, what a great lesson, and once again your personal mishaps always have a spiritual lesson in them. Get well!!
Only Debbie could turn a terribly painful situation into something we can take away from. I’ll pray you are healed quickly!
Thanks for writing your devotional thoughts and lesson today even in the midst of your physical discomfort… you’ve allowed your painful experience to become the illustration for the biblical teaching-that’s awesome! To God be the Glory~~
I truly understand the pain of your fall, I was ONLY trying to rescue my kitten from falling off a ledge.I now can see that JESUS took the BIG FALL for our unforgiveness and desire to walk in the flesh and darkness more often then we would admit! I will pray for you Deb, for a quick healing, Jehovah Rapha is the BEST, as you know you can count on HIM and a little Arnica!!!
‘all things for His good’ but good grief what a way to learn it. I love your ability to bring it all back around – btw who left the door open ( hehe) God bless You Debbie and remember to keep chasing righteousness!!!