I would like to blame someone, anyone… for my problems or for the reason God seems to have me on a short leash at times. While I want to run free and do my own thing, God seems to have me tethered to Him and His timing for things in my life.Seems unfair to be contained to a small patch of life or land, for what?
If, like me, you have ever felt God grounded you or was not answering your prayers in your timing, keeping you still on that leash for awhile, take heart…God only works out of love and for our good.
Many times it is in the context of relational turmoil that I feel the pull of the leash causing me to pay attention to what God is trying to teach me rather than going off on my own way. I want to blame the other person, but God wants me to look to Him and see where He might be leading me, what he is healing in me, what He himself is allowing in my life, so that He can answer my prayers by changing ME.
When someone begins to do something that causes you pain , for awhile you probably endure OK, but if it doesn’t stop, eventually you’ll get angry and begin to attack the person that is causing the pain.
It goes from the thing/circumstance ….to the person behind the pain or thing you are going through. Those that experience that situation say that they just can’t trust that person any more. Sometimes this happens in a marriage and there is a breach of trust and a breaking of the relationship. Sometimes it happens in a friendship or in the church. In these times we seem to step back and say, ” I can’t trust that person any more, look what he or she has done to me!.”
But sometimes the situation we experience isn’t from another person, though it looks like it is and we think it is. What if it was actually from God? Maybe you are suffering the pain of God putting you on that leash again as he is attaching you to Him, to lead you and guide you in life training.
What do you think about the problem once we realize that it is God giving us a test for our good?
Today’s Truth Exodus 34:6
“The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abounding in goodness and truth.”
When we find ourselves on God’s short leash, in obedience school, or in a test of faith…we are to focus on WHO God is, what His nature is. When we are settled in that, we can take a breath and realize once again that the testing, the trial, the short leash is all for our good.
This Week I want to look at all 5 attributes of Our Father One at a time. Today let’s begin with Merciful.
Merciful: The Hebrew word comes from the same word where we get our word “womb” ( the womb of a woman who gives birth). This is the most intimate of all possible relationships. It is when someone who is greater than another ( as int eh case of a mother to a child) has overwhelming compassion, feelings and softness about them. It is as if God is saying, “I am your Father, I love you and you shouldn’t worry when I send you a test or have you on my leash for your safety.”
Mercy: Kind and compassionate treatment
When you are tempted to think that God is mean and that he can not be trusted. Think again. Even if the problem seems hard always bring yourself back to the truth. God’s word says He is Merciful, that is who He is, and He can not operate out of anything except Who He is. So, if the kindest treatment of us is the leash, then so be it. If the most compassionate treatment is our current trial so that we can move on to something better…it is his mercy, kindness and compassion…working for us at all time.
Change your focus.
Today change your focus from the problem, the leash, the pain…to the fact that your Heavenly Father is Merciful and always acts out of mercy towards you.
Today’s Prayer
Lord I praise you and thank you for WHO you are! I thank you that you are filled with mercy for me. You are kind and compassionate in your treatment of me. You hold me close and affectionately even in the most dire of circumstances. Thank you Lord, this is WHO you are. Thank you that you are faithful and can not operate towards me in any way that is contrary to your nature. Forgive me for blaming people, getting frustrated with you and trying so hard to get off the leash. Sometimes leashes are required to keep us safe. So, I submit and will now enjoy the walk in your park, the walk in the patch of land you have for me.
After reading your blog – I feel so privileged, so honored to know that God has a short leash for me. I love that He has me so close to him as I go through my little trials and tests in my life. What a sweet comfort for me. Thank You for your encouraging words, Debbie. I appreciate you!