Back to our focus this week on the Character of God. The reason focus on His character is important is because WHO HE is determines HOW We Live, How We Believe,and How We Hang On in Hope!
This Week’s Truth: Exodus 34:6
“The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abounding in goodness and truth.”
Amazing how we try to figure God out and judge people and circumstances by our figuring and own understandings! God is so much bigger than us and His grace, mercy, love and patience is so Giant. He is mighty and powerful but also humble and loving!
God is Long suffering or slow to anger. This word comes from two Hebrew words. One meaning “a long time” and the other literally meaning “your nose” ( which usually has flared nostrils when a person is furious). That is the picture of anger on a person’s face, only this time it’s God’s face and He’s very angry. However, He is “angry long” not “long angry”. This means He holds His anger for a long time before He releases it upon us in a chastening. God is patient, much more so that we are.
We must remember, when we’re struggling in a test/trial… that we’re afraid that if we give in God will be impatient with us, that He is extremely patient. A classic example of this was when the children of Israel were tested in the wilderness. As they failed the tests time and time again, it wasn’t until the 10th time that God’s anger was released. He is slow to anger and He h olds His anger for you and me in our time of need as well.
Today’s Prayer
Help me Jesus to reflect on who you are as God and Lord over all. Help me to concentrate on How Big and loving you are rather than how little I can make you in my own mind. As I learn more of WHO YOU are, may I trust you more and more with surrender of my self and life.
I wonder if that’s where the phrase, “9 lives” came from!
Suburb point: if we don’t know WHO He is, we’ll never really live as His. One of my favorite quotes: “Healing comes from knowing WHO He is.” Amen!
Healing also comes from dealing with our stuff . . . . looking in the mirror and checking ourself. He has made us and it is vital that we know who we are & who’s we are 🙂 Jesus is good at shining the light in the darkness and brings new hope & direction. Thank you for getting us thinking and willing to take a good look 🙂 Bless you Debbie!