Leashes are for safety and learning. I can remember having my children tethered to me when they were small and we were in public. With two little boys, the odds of them running off on their own was pretty great, so I had to have a safe solution.
Sometimes we go through circumstances that keep us on in that same place with God. The odds of us going off into our own way or our own thing is pretty great, so God keeps us close so we will be safe and not mess things up. Some of us know we are currently tethered closely to His side for safety and learning. We often try to wiggle away, but we need to comply, so He can have His intended work.
Amy Grant sang a little chorus in the 70’s that went like this:
- The Lord has a will, and I have a need
- To follow His will, to humbly be still
- To rest in it, nest in it, fully be blessed in it
- Following My Father’s Will
While on the leash we must always keep our focus on the master. Just like my little Lucy has to learn some lessons, or be kept safe on her leash, so must I learn what my Father intends me to learn and be kept safe as I am attached or tethered to Him.
Yesterday we talked about our tests, trials or problems should not be pinned on people, even though people might SEEM at the helm of them. We must realize that God himself has allowed things to cross into our lives for our good. They might not be good things, in themselves, but God is good and He is working in us…that is good. Today let’s add to our focus on the character of God, and take the next attribute in yesterday’s verse.
Today’s Truth: Exodus 34:6 ( stay with this verse all week, soak in it!)
“The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abounding in goodness and truth.”
Gracious: This word means to have pity, to give freely something undeserved. It’s when someone has something that someone else needs, but can’t get, and that person graciously bestows/gives undeserved grace tot hat person. He is compassionate and He has all the resources. He opens His heart to you and because He loves you so incredibly, He gives you a gift of a test to make you strong instead of weak.
We must remember that when we are going through something that is is “safe” to come to God and give him our heart, our hurt and our situation. He is in it with us. And, even though we might be in “training school” with Him, He is filled with Mercy and Graciousness towards us. He has pity and grace and wants us to move towards wholeness, health and change. He is a God who can not change. This is WHO He is…Merciful and Gracious.
Today thank God for WHO HE is…Merciful and Gracious. Sit with those two words today. Turn them over in your mind. Delight in the fact that He is making you more like Him through each new test, trial, season of suffering. Thank Him that you can be ALL that He had in mind when He created YOU.
In Christ, you are enough, and you can learn to respond to the Love of Him who is Everything you need, Every Love you ever longed for, and Every provision for today, tomorrow and eternity.
God is Good. Thank Him for that Leash Today…and like one of my bloggers wrote in….maybe you just have to imagine that the leash is pink with sparkle stones on it, to get into the groove of it. So Think Pink!
Today’s Prayer
Father, I thank you for WHO you are. You are filled with mercy, compassion and soft/tender love towards me. I thank You that You are filled with Grace, undeserved favor and resource towards me. I have what I need in YOU. I love you Jesus and thank you today for that silly little pink sparkle leash you have me on, may it have it’s purpose and may you have your way.
More of Thee, Less of Me. Amen