There are always firsts and lasts in life.
Yesterday had a couple of lovely “firsts” in it. I experienced the first time talking to one of my children about their wedding plans. I also experienced the joy of knowing that I am going to soon have another daughter in my life!
I also experienced the first time that my youngest son’s band had a national music release and even got a shout out “placement” on the front page of itunes, under new and noteworthy music! ( right next to Maria Carey, and Leona Lewis’s new releases) Welcome firsts. Sweet little surprise toppers to my day. Smile!
Then there are lasts. If it’s your last killer workout…maybe that is good. The last of the summer bugs and ants…that is definetely good.
But, if the “last” is the beginning a road of saying “good bye”, not so good. My last for today is the latter. Today Bubba is getting his very last grooming. We are getting him ready to go, and cleaning him up and getting all that fur off of his tumor to make him more comfortable.
Yeah…I woke up today thinking of the blessings of first child’s wedding, Jaymes Reunion first release….smile….Then my thoughts went to today’s schedule which includes…Bubba’s last trip to the groomer….sad.
Isn’t it good to know that God is in our first and our lasts? Isn’t it good to know that if we never needed comfort that their wouldn’t be a comforter? Isn’t it good to know that if he never gave us the desires of our hearts…it wouldn’t tell us to… Commit our ways to him and he would give us the desires of our heart? ( Psa 37). Yes, Our God is near in the firsts and the lasts.
So, in keeping with that theme…here is a first for this blog…I am going to use other people’s posts for today. The first is from a blog called, Groovy Tuesday Grooving for God, and the second is a review on Jaymes Reunion. I hope you enjoy them both, as much as I did this morning.
Cast Down Your Nets
Come, follow me.
I’ve been reading Debbie Alsdorf’s book, WILD, in which she challenges the reader to ask whether our faith is too tame. She then proceeds to describe the characteristics of someone who lives wildly for Christ.
I’ve been sitting with the idea all week that when Jesus first met and chose His disciples, His simple words were, “Come, follow Me.” To the fishermen He said, “Throw down your nets and follow Me.” To the tax collector He said, “Cast aside your riches and come follow Me.” To each of His twelve disciples He said, “Drop whatever hold the world has on you and come follow Me.” And they all followed without hesitation.
Whoa. When Christ first proposed a similar idea to me, I was too busy hanging onto my worldly focus to hear, let alone understand, His call for me to follow Him. Oh no, I need empirical proof. I needed brain satisfaction in knowing who and what I was being called to before I took one step down that pathway. So I sit in amazement that the disciples walked away from everything to follow Jesus.
I don’t admonish myself over waiting to pick up His hiking stick ~ it is history I cannot change. I do look back at that time in my life and laugh at my arrogance. I can also see through the fear and misunderstanding of what I was being called to. That is why it blows me away to know that the disciples simply followed Him at the first command of His words.
Come, follow Me.
The path won’t always be smooth. It will go over hills and into valleys. It will scramble over boulders. It will pass through narrow forest paths. It will reveal stunning vistas. It will uncover small treasures. It will be the most amazing adventure of my life and beyond. It’s a journey I don’t want to miss and I’m glad I’m on it.
At once they left their nets and followed Him. (Matthew 4:20)
Jaymes Reunion
Jaymes Reunion EP
Artist Info: Discography
Album length: 6 tracks: 23 minutes, 6 seconds
Street Date: September 22, 2009
Just over a year ago, I found myself fortunate enought to land at a show of the then virtully unknown band Jaymes Reunion. With smart lyrics, catchy melodies, and a tight live performance, it was hard to forget this band. When their single “Fine” hit the airwaves, it was clear these guys were poised for success.
This four piece rock ensemble was founded by front man Cameron Jaymes who was born in Bakersfield, California and began pursuing his music career while still in his teens. Cameron was discovered in his early twenties by what was then, Sony/ BMG, and soon after signed to a music publishing deal and a development deal with Universal Music Group. This led to a record deal with Tooth and Nail Records/ bec recordings/ EMI. Soon after, Jaymes was joined by Bay area band mates: Braydon Nelson, Eric Watson and Jeremy Taylor, to form the complete family of musicians known as Jaymes Reunion.
Jaymes has noted the heavy influence of Paul McCartney on his music, as well as UR, Coldplay, The Bee Gees, and Switchfoot. While it’s not hard to novice th influences, the music of Jaymes Reunion is far from a rip off. “Fine” the lead single from Jaymes Reunion, was easily one fo the most infectious, well-written songs on Christian radio in 2008. ” I want you back” though a re-make is an upbeat plea for a second-chance at making a mark. Two new acoustic tracks- the sensitive, “If You Wanna Cry” and encouraging guitar driven, ” More than a Day” are an added delight as wellas the acoustic arrangement of “Fine”.
Jaymes Reunion is a most excellent debut for this California band, even if iff does run slightly short with only six songs. However, Cameron Jaymes and his crew are making it count. Get ready, this band isn’t going to be leaving anytime soon!
- Record Label: BEC Recordings
- Album Length: 6 tracks: 23 minutes, 6 seconds
- Street Date: September 22, 2009
- Buy it: itunes, Amazon, Best Buy
Congratulations, Cameron, and Jaymes Reunion. I knew you would make it! So proud of you, and to think you sang right here in little Grove City, Pa. I pray that God continues to bless you abundantly, Cam. Please let us know if you ever get back Pittsburgh way.