It’s Labor Day. One of those holidays on our American calendar that gives us a day off work, a time to “play” or rest, and an excuse to eat more than we did the Monday before this. I am getting ready to get on a plane and fly to Texas for a speaking engagement, but before I head out…I am thinking about the word, Labor.
Being I have the privilege to meet women from all over the country, many whom visit this blog regularly, I am thinking of you all… Hey how do you like that? I am already practicing my “you all”.
Seriously, I am imagining you, my friends from different states and places and wondering what you are doing on Labor Day. ( sorry for being so nosey!) I imagine some are preparing for BBQ’s, or block parties, or maybe even getting in that last summer water sports day. I am sure some are going to be shopping the Labor Day sales. I will be thinking of you all as I pack a few things and head out of town.
Labor. I think of hard work or having a baby. Both hard, both take focus, both have a good outcome. Or, as its said…worth the work!
The Apostle Paul Labored too….
Today’s Truth: Colossians 1:29
“To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy which so powerfully works in me.”
His labor was actually a struggling or maybe even a fighting for release of the power of God that was placed with in Him. Did you know that you are filled with that same mighty power too? Don’t forget it. As you go about your day, celebrating Labor Day. Remember that there are many things we can labor towards, but there is one thing that will last forever…laboring towards God’s power and it’s work through us in this life.
Think on such things…and while your at it, have a BBQ hot dog for me, splash in some cool lake water, or find a good bargain at your local store sale. I will be praying for you, my blog friends, that God will increase in you and that He will work powerfully through you as you live out your life, one day at a time.
Many Blessings. And, as we say about any holiday…Happy Happy!
………………….Picture of me and Stacy Kennedy, enjoying some Summer Boot Scootin…even in California!
He haw! Y’all have a great time in Texas! 🙂
Great Picture. Have a safe and Blessed trip. I will be praying that many hearts will be touched as you speak, as my heart is always touched as you speak.
I never looked at labor day as you have described. And I never realized that we have that same power…I have always felt weak, never less powerful. My goal will be to labor toward knowing and experiencing God’s power within me and what he wants me to with that power.
Thank You Debbie … you always inspire me. Love to you, Donna