Presentation is the art to many good things. A good meal seems to taste better when its presented well. A so-so outfit picks up its appeal with good accessories, and a well worked project looks better with the right presentation cover. And, of course, a gift creatively wrapped always seems like something more special, even before you open it.
That’s earths side of things. On heavens side there is a work of presentation going on too. Christ is working in us, even this moment, to present us to the Father. He works day in and day out, moving within the deepest parts of us. He is the power behind our real changes and the energy imparting spiritual fruit in a life that was once spiritually dead.
Today’s Truth: Colossians:21-23
“Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation. If you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope of the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.”
reconciled: to establish friendship between, to settle, to bring to acceptance.
Because of Christ we are now friends of God, and things have been settled, we are accepted. But that is not where it ends, God is still working.
Key Fact:
You were once alienated from God, because you were an enemy, in your mind. It’s hard to imagine because you love him now, but just remember that your mind still might have some fortresses that keep you at arms length from God’s best for you. You learned many habits of living and being while you were in that alienated, enemy mind state. Those habits don’t go away by themselves.
Things Changed:
Because of Christ, you have been brought near and have been changed, reconciled to the God who loves you and created you for Himself. Even though we are reconciled to God, we often still live and act like we belong to ourselves.
The Plan:
To present you holy in his sight. This is a presentation of being set-apart as His. This great presentation plan is the work of development that is taking place all throughout our lives. The testing of our faith, which is no fun at all, is the very thing that brings us into more spiritual maturity…one trial at a time.
What Now?
Continue in your faith. Let God establish you through His Word. Stand firm on anything you know to be true from His Word, even if you only remember a few verses, practice standing firm in them.
Today’s Prayer:
Father, I ask you to continue working in my mind, tearing down any thing that is like a tower of opposition to your ways or your word. I ask you to establish me in Faith in You, more every day. Thanks for working on the presentation…without you, I could have never presented myself to a holy God.
I will never forget the fear I felt some 25 years ago when I heard in my head: What a waste of time, there is no God.Then my very 1st Bible verse I memorized 1John 4:4 popped up very LOUD in my head.Then I had that “new peace” come over me again. Talk about a trial and an increase in FAITH!!!