Today I am borrowing words from Max Lucado.
Today’s Truth: Hebrews 10:35
“Do not lose the courage you had in the past, which has a great reward.”
Is there anything more frail than a bruised reed? Look at the bruised reed at the water’s edge. A once slender and tall stalk of sturdy river grass, it is now bowed and bent.
Are you a bruised reed? Was is so long ago that you stood tall? Then something happened. You were bruised…
- by harsh words
- by a friends anger
- by a spouse’s betrayal…
The bruised reed…Society knows what to do with you…The world will break you off; the world will snuff you out.
But the artists of Scripture proclaim that God won’t. Painted on canvas after canvas in the tender touch of a Creator who has a special place for the bruised and weary of the world. A God who is the friend of the wounded heart.
From Grace for the Moment/ Max Lucado page 347
I hope you enjoyed these words today as much as I did as I drank my coffee and read them out of a devotional. Sometimes there is not a need to say more than what you have taken in from another…so here you go!
Today’s Prayer
Father, I thank you that you understand the wounded places in our hearts. I thank you that you will not snuff us out but rather heal and restore us. I thank you that YOU God are taking the broken and always working in your Beautiful Self in our wounded broken places.
“A Friend of The Wounded Heart”, one of my favorite songs that I had sung @ my Mom’s memorial 15 years ago! Jesus our friend said that He will never leave us or disappoint us. We should bank on it everyday instead of setting ourselves up banking on anyone or anything besides JESUS…our one true friend.