When someone gets really good at something, it is thought of as “the art of…”. When we do something repeatedly, it is a habit. When a habit is done repeatedly and well and is producing something good, it becomes the art in which we live.
I want to develop the art of looking up.
What I mean by that, is that I want to make a habit of intentionally choosing my focus. I want that focus to be on Jesus Christ, Who He Is, How Faithful He Is, Who I am in Him, and Surrender to His Plan. Looking Up.
None of this comes naturally to my brain. Instead, I usually focus on how bad things are, how impossible it seems, how I never seem to be enough, how much I really want my own way…
I want Jesus…for blessing and to make me happy, more than I want Jesus to make me holy. Ugh! ( that was a true confession, just in case you were wondering!)
Time for a change. To change my focus will take some intentional choices, and some new practices.
Today’s Truth: Colossians 3:2-3
“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. For you died and your life is not hidden with Christ in God.”
Set: To put in particular position or place. To become firm, secure, fixed.
To set something is intentional, it is something we do. The verb tense is the doing…put in a position. The result is that we become secure and fixed.
I have to say, I love the idea of becoming secure. What’s the secret? It’s setting my mind on things above, not on what is around me.
- What is going wrong in your life today? Look Up
- What is your greatest current challenge? Look Up
- What is hurting your “feelings”? Look Up
- What is breaking your heart? Look Up
- What is causing you pain? Look Up
Your life is no longer your own. Your life is not random, it is hidden with Christ, in God. You are protected, shielded, cared for, provided for…by Christ, hidden in his faithfulness and power….In God. To Look Up, it to Focus your Attention on what is Biblically True, rather than casually focusing on what you are feeling.
In the moment of stress, pain or doubt…STOP….choose instead to tell yourself what is true about you, your life in Christ, and God’s love and faithfulness. Take a new position, stand firm in who Christ is, and who you are in Him. Look Up! Look to Him! Choose to Believe….it starts as a choice, when repeated becomes a new habit, and over time becomes an art. I would have to say, I think Looking Up, has become a lost art in a world where we look to self, get discouraged, depressed and defeated. There is a better way and it starts with the choice to Look Up!
Today’s Prayer
Father, help me to learn the art of Looking Up. I want to learn to set my mind on things above, not on earthly things. I want to believe my life is enclosed in you and your love, and that I am in God. Teach me, help me, change me.
This is something we all should read each morning. Looking up is the ONLY way we wont trip and fall into the pit of sin, where the enemy is waiting. Jesus is our Creator, waiting with open arms to Love us through, and with His Grace and Marcy, which are fresh and new each morning. Lean into Him and find you true Peace, your highest calling.
Your devotions are always uplifting and get to the heart of the matter. Thanks for making me look at myself and know that only God can make me the person I want to be. Also knowing that He loves me and cares about me no matter where I am personally. Look Up and He is there watching over me.
There are lots of things going on in my life and today at work that could easily distract me and convince me I am not cared for. I read your blog at the perfect time to STOP and look up to God’s faithful love, His grace, and provision. I choose to believe God this minute!
Trying always to remember that “I” am a child of the best Daddy ever…Jesus Christ!! What an amazing thought. Why would I think I cannot entrust my adult children to HIM. HE is there Daddy too. Thanks for the healthy reminder today Debbie. I am LOOKING UP to the ONE that has my children in the palm of HIS hand.
Who would have thought something so simple to make you feel so good. I raise my hands up and feel God’s hand reaching back. Now I can simply look up! Great concept, thank you for sharing!
Karen Phillips