A little girl cries because she will not see her father for several months. She misses him and feels like he is always leaving. Since her parent’s divorce nothing has been the same and though she smiles and business seems usual, her heart aches because she doesn’t get to be with Daddy much anymore. It’s her secret.
A single mother is still grieving the end of her marriage. There are so many questions…Why? being the biggest one. She will never pretend to understand and daily misses her marriage, the family that was, and the husband she loved. She must move on, so the deep hurt has become her secret.
A mother grieves the loss of her adult son whom she just lost in an accident. She wakes up it fitful nightmares, she looks for him every day, and her heart is as heavy as a rock. She is going through the motions, and doesn’t bring it up to anyone…from this point on, the pain and fear of loss becomes her secret.
Someone told me she was dumped by her friend. The loss was unbearable and the rejection left a lasting mark on her soul. She always fears being left and so she doesn’t open herself up to life or others as much as she once did…most people don’t know she has such deep hurt, it’s her secret.
For years I had the fear of being “left”. The realization that today is not forever hit me when my father died of lung cancer….I was 25. It was hard to handle and I felt lonely and longing and left without my father. Then my husband left…the anguish I felt was unbearable. I tried to fill my mind and heart with other things, but it left a lasting mark within my soul, a fear of being “left”.
My mother died when I was in my 40’s….left. My children would spend entire summers with their father after the divorce…left. My children had the “nerve” ( I am smiling) to “grow up” and “go away”….left…..As I get older, the thoughts of being “left” float through my mind. I know that things don’t stay the same, and yet, I know that my hope must be in the God I love and my surrender to the God who holds my life….my fleeting thoughts and fears of being “left” are my secret.
Many things in life leave us feeling “left”, “alone”, vunerable and afraid.
The best news I have for us all today is a friendly reminder that God will never leave us. Though things change, people change, life changes….God never changes.
Today’s Truth: Hebrews 13:4-5, 8
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” ” So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?…Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
What is the Promise? He will NEVER leave: He never FORSAKES
Forsake: abandon, desert or give up
People can forsake, but God never will.
Jesus Christ does not change. Put your trust in Him, in any area that you feel afraid of loss!
Today’s Prayer
Father, once again, in your hand, I place myself, my life, my cares, my fears, my future….once again. I praise you that YOU don’t change, don’t abandon me, don’t give up on me….once again I remember YOU.
Debbie, I want to thank you so much for always reminding us of the promises we have in our Father, our Abba. My life is full of feelings of “left” and through it all, it has made me much stronger. Some of the strenght has been from the extra baggage I carried from the pain and disappointmen. But knowing and believing that I have a Father who will NEVER leave me nor forsake me really keeps me strong. I’m so blessed to be connected to you and your constant direction to the one who can and does help us through all things.
Your message today is for me. Thank you for being available to God.