Life change happens one choice, one step at at time. Looking at the mountain of what needs to change can be overwhelming, but focusing on the “next step” in the trek up that mountain makes it do-able. The problem is we often look at our life and the changes we are hoping for as impossible, out of reach, or too hard.
Last year while in Paris, there were many things I wanted to see that had a steep climb of steps to get to their entrance. Being I had suffered back to back calf and ankle injuries, the steps seemed daunting. At one point I told the group to go ahead of me because I probably could not join them. Then, I made a decision to “try” by not looking ahead to the climb, but just taking one step at a time. Each time I looked at how many more steps I had, I wanted to give up. But, if I just kept focused on the very next step I could do it…and I eventually made it.
The other day I was talking to a young mom who really wanted to be in a Bible Study, but felt that with young kids it would just be too hard. Though she desired to study the Bible, she felt she had to wait until she was older.
Then an older woman started a small group for young mom’s like herself. She decided to give it a shot because it was only 6 weeks long, and the leader seemed to be understanding and putting no pressure on the younger moms. And to her surprise, as she focused each week just on that week, she soon realized that not only was it do-able, but that she enjoyed it and was blessed each week with renewed inner energy. But, it took that first choice, followed by daily steps.
If we just think about what we hope for or what we want, we will never get to the finish line, never experience the full life that we wish could be ours.
The Bible talks about choices
Choice defined: The act of choosing: To pick out, select, or single out.
Every day we make choices. The power of choice affects the outcome of each day and more specifically each relationship we are in.
Today’s Truth: Joshua 24:15, Deuteronomy 30:19-20
” Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whole land you are living. But as for me and my household we will serve the LORD.
“Now choose life, so that yu and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice and hold fast to him. for the LORD is your life and he will give you many years…”
The people of Israel were familiar with other gods. They are being told that they can continue on with other gods if they choose to, but why…when God wants to guide them , speak to them, and be everything they need. Still, if they choose they can serve any god they so desire. The same is true with us.
Choice is powerful. Each day we choose how we are going to live and more importantly who we are going to follow. Yesterday I challenged each of us, this month of July, to commit our self into the hands of our faithful Creator.
It is a choice to do this. I am looking forward to hearing what God did on His end, as you committed yourself every day into his faithful hands.
Today’s Prayer
Lord, here I am again today, July 2 2009. Today I want again to commit myself into your faithful hands. I want to follow you. Make me aware this day that in each hour I have choices, and may my choices honor you and please you. Teach me how to commit myself to you this intentionally.
Thank you Debbie for this insightful lesson…I will commit myself into His loving arms and faithful hands.